Whats new pussy cat? Woo-a-woah-a-woah-woaho

Apr 24, 2004 03:21

Well interesting events this week have led to my interesting mood tonight. I am not sure how to feel, the good events have not remotely cancled out the bad (though I did have a freakin blast with my K-town friends as usual they rock like a clock). So I guess I feel like crap. I mean, I've known this day was coming for a long while now but now that it has come I don't think...wait I know that I was not ready for it. There is not enough preperation for someone saying they don't want to be with you anymore. Like I said, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but it still hit like a brick wall to the chest. The good thing is that in the long run she will be happy and I'm really glad. I also know that in His perfect timing God will introduce me to the women He has for me. Boy I can't wait, cause I am sick and tired of picking up after myself, cooking for myself, cleaning myself, feeding myself, etc. Baisicly I'm tired of doing all of a wifes duties. But before you start cursing at me ladies, know that I am kidding, and will be an equal part in all of those responsibilities...like I plan on lifting my legs while watching T.V. so she can vaccume under me. PEACE!
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