hizchic4eva I sit here thinking about my life today and what I intend to do with it. Do I want to go it all alone, listening to no one, being my own boss, basically living an unfulfilled life, or do I want to heed the spirit's warning, listen to God's words, submit to Christ who loves and died for me, and live my life which is no longer mine for Him? Then as I consider the consequences of both, I make my decision: God, You have all of me, every thought, every breath, every movement, every feeling, everything. My name is Jennifer Moehle, and I'm 19 (well, almost) and I'm a nursing student at PJC. I know God is working on me each and every day, because of all the trials I've been going through. God tries the one He loves, and He never leaves us through those trials. Right now, one of my trials is the decision to turn my future over to God. See, on 10/01/03 I was rear ended by a 12 wheeler, which is a small tractor-trailer, and as a result I have some health problems. I have a herniated disc in my back, which could be operated on, but because it's in the thoracic area, it's too dangerous. So now I have to go through physical therapy and have MRI's done, and all that fun stuff. I'm also being told I need to consider a change in my major because a back problem like I have is not conducive to the nursing profession. Nursing is all I have ever wanted to do with my life. I know God lead me to it, so I know He will work all this out, but that doesn't mean that I don't worry sometimes. I worry that no hospital will hire a nurse with a back problem, or that it will get worse and I'll experience the worse case scenario, which is being crippled in 10-15 years. I'm only 19, I'm too young to have to be worried about this, aren't I? But then, David was a young man when he faced Goliath, and he was a man after God's heart. I just need to let go and trust. Thank you Father for being there for me.