Bruises - NewS - PG-13

Jan 06, 2008 20:45

Title: Bruises
Author: anamuan
Pairing/Group: RyoPi
Word Count: 1,545
Warnings: Remember, smoking kills.
Notes: Originally for procreational for the je_holiday gift exchange. I'm glad you liked it dear. You comment made me insanely happy. Also thanks to anyone else who commented. ♥♥♥ to you all :DDDD
Thanks to sillyandmorbid and nihongofrancais for reading it over for me and giving me 'second ( Read more... )

pairing: ryopi, special: exchange fic, fandom: je!fic, rating: pg-13, anamuan

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Way to keep it to one comment box! mycroftnext January 9 2008, 06:19:05 UTC
I still contend I suffered more than you because I have a one-upmanship complex because you had other people to comment and distract you. I had very few other fics that I edited with you to squee about. *pretends that's actually logical since it's late and benadryl makes my head not work so well*

it was like i feel writing is supposed to be somehow, when it's at it's best.
There is nothing quite like that feeling, and I totally agree: I wish that would happen more often for me!

a surgical staff and a fine-toothed comb
And that is what makes you such a fine writer. ;-) Mixing metafore (I just randomly typed that italian without even thinking about it) ftw!

you helped me think my way through this bit. (in case you don't remember) I bounced ideas off you for a long time.
You know, it's funny, but some parts I remember specifically helping you with and coming up with specific lines, but there are other parts where all I know is that we talked about it, and I haven't a clue as to which parts came from whom or even how much we talked about it. I still contend that it was your amazing writing that made it; I just make you justify it to me. ;-)

but i didn't know what to call it, and i think 'human' is what it was.
Your personal dictionary/thesaurus/interpreter/brain to the rescue!

'crack research' meaning?
You did tell me that you looked it up (after asking me what time the last shinkansen got into Tokyo. Because yeah, the minute you went to Tokyo I decided to memorize the bullet train schedule). So I was making a joke about you looking that up and simultaneously mocking the fact that you have to do it yourself because you don't have minions to do it for you.

nicely Kansai flavour: shaa nee na.
*happy shivers*

but this is one of my favourite lines.
AS WELL IT SHOULD BE!! Because it is awesome incarnate.

this one, i thought might be pushing the mushiness envelope a bit.
Well, it was mushier than the rest I suppose, but it's still very much in character. I think your fic is all the better for it because people (even the cynical, snarky Ryo's) have moments of mushiness. Again, it's that all-important human combination of quirks and hypocrisies that you did so well.

But I don't remember how it was before. So i doubt the paragraph is now 'messed up'
I don't exactly remember how it looked before either, but I'm glad you don't think it's messed up. *wipes forehead*

i still protest the 'brilliant' comment on principle, however.
I still protest you protesting the brilliant comment on principle as well. So there. *sticks out tongue at you*

You are always welcome, and thank you for just letting me be a part of it. :DDD


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