It's My New Tie! - Jin/Koyama, R

Dec 16, 2007 21:22

title: It's My New Tie!
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, KAT-TUN, NewS
pairing: Jin/Koyama (implied Ryo/Jin/Koyama)
summary: Jin's version of "Show and Tell" with his goodies from this Popeye photo shoot.
author's note: a labor of love, celebration of finals being over, and a Christmas present, all in the name of anamuan (who also actually beta-read it as well because she's a nut *giggle*). It only took me a month to finish (who knew that listening to Ohkura's "Mamoritai" was the key?), and yeah. Porn's not really my forte, but I gave it a shot. >.< Don't hurt me please.


Jin slammed the apartment door behind himself, kicked off his shoes and literally slid in his socks across the hardwood floor to make it into the kitchen in record time. "Keii-chan! Look what I got!"

Koyama, who had his back to Jin as he hovered over the stove, failed to give Jin the attention that he cried out for. "Not now, Jin. Ryo's gonna be home any minute and he keeps on bitching about how I can't seem to get the miso right and I'm going to get it right!"

Jin frowned to himself. They were such cool things too! Much better than miso soup. "You're always worried about what Ryo-chan thinks, but you don't care about me."

Koyama sighed, gently adding the bowl of cut tofu cubes into the pot of miso. "That's not true. It's just that you tend to be easier to please than Ryo, though you are more easily distracted-eh?! Jin, take this off!"

Jin grinned cheekily as he neatly tied a tight and pretty bow with the ends of the black tie that now served as a blindfold, covering Koyama's eyes. "Isn't it pretty? I got it today at the photo shoot!"

Koyama struggled to pry the tie blindfold from his eyes, but found it quite difficult as Jin had done a very nice job of securing it in place. To the point where it was kind of crushing the bridge of his nose, it was so tight. It hurt a little, but it irritated a lot more. "Jin. Please?"

"Aren't you going to ask me which photo shoot?"

The older boy sighed, realizing he wasn't getting out of this one unless he played along. "Which photo shoot?"

Jin smiled brightly at the attention showered on him by his lover. At the end of the day, he was an attention whore who absolutely shone when people looked his way. It actually was something all three of them shared in common, despite having three distinctive ways of going about getting what they craved. That probably was the reason why the three of them were able to cohabitate in such a manner-they acutely understood each other's needs from personal experience.

"The one for Popeye!" Jin took the black hat that had been lightly perched on his own head and set it aloft Koyama's rust-colored head. "They gave me this hat too! I looked sexy."

Koyama was glad that Jin was standing behind him and did not see him bite back a small chuckle. "You did, did you?"

However, as dumb as Jin liked to appear to be, he was actually quite perceptive and noted the slightly skeptical tone in Koyama's voice. "You don't believe me!"

"I believe you, Jin."

"No, you don't!"

"I do! I do! Now, can I go back to finishing the miso?" Koyama was leaning against the kitchen counter next to the stove now, facing Jin, but obviously not really looking at him what with the tie over his eyes still. "I might have a chance at salvaging it before Ryo-"


The next thing Koyama knew, he was being dragged out of the kitchen into what he assumed was the living room where he was forced down on to the sofa. He felt the hat being lifted off his head and soon after, the tie was removed from over his eyes. It took Koyama a few moments to readjust to the light, but once he did, he found Jin standing in front of him (the hat slanted atop his head and the tie sloppily knotted around his neck), going out of his way to pose sexily.

Except the younger boy was trying way too hard and instead looked like he was losing brain cells as they floated out of his open mouth and past his vaguely vacant eyes.

"Was that the way they made you pose?"

"It was the photographer's favorite shot."

"It was?"


"…wow. I guess that's what does it for fangirls nowadays."

"Keii-chan!" Jin whined, clearly not satisfied that the nicer of his two boyfriends did not approve. If Keii-chan didn't think much of it, then what would Ryo-chan think?

"Ryo-chan's gonna say I look like a fish," Jin sighed heavily, plopping down on the couch. "And then he's gonna say that he doesn't want to have sex with a fish and is gonna ignore me!"

As Jin dug himself into a little mush pot of woe over Ryo's probable reaction, Koyama scooted in close and gently unknotted the black tie that clashed with Jin's "My best friend is a boob" green screen t-shirt. "You're just using the tie wrong, that's all," Koyama assured, soothing the idol's somewhat bruised ego.

And before Jin could even pose the question as to how he should be using it, Koyama jerked on the tie still draped around Jin's neck, pulling him forward and capturing his lips in a kiss.

Kissing Jin always was a pleasant, sensuous experience, but ever since he had started filming on Yuukan Club, it was much more so. Thanks to the numerous lollipops, Jin's mouth had become a flavored adventure, every day a new tasty surprise. It was sort of like those flavored mouthwashes you would get as a kid at the dentist's office, but with less disinfectant and a lot more tongue.

Today, Jin tasted of rich and sweet strawberries. And Koyama liked strawberries (but not as much as Ryo). So, though Koyama had only intended to tease Jin with a momentary kiss, his tongue hungrily pushed past Jin's lips, caving into the desire for strawberries and Jin.

Jin was never one to turn down affection in all its forms, and despite having been briefly startled, he quickly returned Koyama's eagerness ten-fold. One hand slipped around Koyama's neck, fingers threading through his long hair, urging him deeper into the kiss.

And then Jin's light bulb went on.

"I think I understand." A small smile tugged at his moist lips.

"Understand what?" Obviously the entire conversation prior to their impromptu make out session had been wiped clean from Koyama's mind (and they called Jin the dumb, pretty one!) as he continued to tug on Jin's tie, craving seconds of strawberry-Jin.

Silently, Jin pried Koyama's fingers from their grip on the tie and then moved to blindfold the older boy once more. Koyama immediately was shaken from his daze and protested. "Again?!"

"You said I wasn't using the tie right. So, I'm going to use it right."

"I didn't say blindfolding was right!"

"But I do!"

The two idols ended up in a wrestling match of sorts as Jin struggled to get the tie back over Koyama's eyes and Koyama resisted with all his might. It was a battle that Koyama, with his slight, lanky frame, was destined to lose, and he did. Not only was he blindfolded once more, but Jin had ended up straddling him, securely pinning Koyama to the sofa so that he had no escape.

"I'll show you who's sexy now."

Koyama was going to point out that he could not exactly see, but instead when he suddenly felt Jin's mouth on his pulse point, his tongue generously lapping at the expanse of his neck when he wasn't sucking at the sensitive skin, Koyama found himself breathing out a low, "Oh shit…." as he finally realized that Ryo was simply going to have to deal with less than perfect miso soup for another day.

Koyama felt Jin's hand teasingly crawl upwards-underneath the durable polyester of his apron, beneath the thin flimsy cotton of his t-shirt-the pads of his fingers tracing endless swirls across his own shuddering stomach. He then felt Jin's weight shift ever so slightly, teeth nipping at his earlobe, tongue grazing along his sensitive piercings, before Jin's mouth was on his and Koyama was once again enjoying the sensation of strawberries and Jin.

"You taste so good," the blindfolded Koyama panted between kisses, heady from the strawberries or the lack of oxygen, he wasn't exactly sure. What he was sure of however was that all this fabric he could feel constricting them needed to go, now. Koyama could only take so much of the friction and heat before he just started to lose all his patience.

In his blind search for the hem of Jin's shirt, Koyama's anxious groping of Jin's front caused Jin to tremble above him and moan low into Koyama's mouth. Encouraged, Koyama eventually found the hem and began pull it upwards, but was met with resistance from Jin, who forced it back down.

Jin grinned against Koyama's lips, giving him a maddeningly chaste kiss before pulling away. "This is my show."

The heat of Jin moved from above Koyama as he felt Jin sit back on his haunches, temptingly close to Koyama's erection straining against the cotton of his jeans. Silence fell over the apartment, save for the faint sound of the still boiling miso in the kitchen.

After an excruciatingly long moment where Koyama feared if he spoke a word Jin might actually end his show prematurely (though it was highly unlikely), he felt fingers glide teasingly across his hips, just above the top of his jeans. Koyama's breath hitched in his throat and he gasped, bucking slightly at the mere touch. "Jin!"

The same teasing fingers took their sweet time undoing Koyama's belt and jeans, smacking away Koyama's own fingers any time he tried to help speed up the process. "Jin, enough with the game…please."

"No," he retorted just as Koyama felt Jin's thumb slide beneath the waistband of his boxer-briefs, gently snapping the elastic. For a moment, his hand stilled against Koyama's rounded hipbone before pushing down on the fabric and allowing the clothing to bunch at his knees.

Koyama's freed erection only grew harder and harder as Jin's teasing continued. He felt Jin slowly move downward from where he was straddled over Koyama, and then suddenly, the next thing the blindfolded man knew, there was an amazing warmth surrounding him.

"Jin…Jin…Jin…" Koyama chanted his name like a prayer (but with less pure intentions) as the other carefully played him to perfection-taking him whole with those swollen strawberry lips, dragging his tongue lazily up from the base and swirling it around the tip. There was only darkness and stars as Koyama blinked rapidly against the blindfold, but as he reached into the back of his throat for a guttural moan, he couldn't have cared less because oh what he could feel.

Just as Jin began to quicken his rhythm, one of Koyama's hands found its way into Jin's hair, pushing and tugging in sync with Jin. When his hand wasn't pushed away by the controlling Jin, he quickly slid the other hand down to help and soon enough, Koyama was letting out a strangled cry of release as Jin greedily swallowed.

Eventually, Koyama felt Jin crawl back up and tugged the tie loose from the older boy's eyes. Adjusting his eyes back to the light, Koyama blinked lazily, trying to focus on Jin's face hovering above his. "So, do you like my tie?" Jin grinned, his pert pink tongue gliding across his bottom lip and that alone managed to start something in the pit of Koyama's stomach once more.

"It's a very nice tie."



Unwinding his long scarf from his neck, Ryo padded into the kitchen to find Koyama sitting alone at the kitchen counter, finishing up a phone call. "Okaeri!" the older boy greeted with a smile, shutting his cell phone.

"What was that?"

"I just ordered pizza for dinner; I burned the miso, so…"

"How did you manage to burn the miso?"

Before Koyama could get a word out in reply, something wrapped tight around Ryo's eyes, blinding him. "EH?! What is this?!" he cried out, clawing at the blindfold with his fingers.

Jin bounced as he double-knotted the black tie tightly, exchanging a mischievous smile over Ryo's shoulder at Koyama. "It's my new tie!"

the end.

ginzarhapsody, pairing: jin/koyama, fandom: je!fic, rating: r

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