Young at Heart - J2 - G

Aug 06, 2009 00:09

Title: Young at Heart
Author: anamuan
Pairing: J2
Word Count: 841
Rating: G
Summary: Drastic times call for drastic measures, and nothing is ever quite so drastic as getting old.
A/N: for fluttering and coffeeandice. It's a drabble really, except for how I don't write long things.

They'd kind of joked about getting old before. They'd kind of done it for years, really, ever since Jared hit 24 and realized, shit, the new kids coming into the business were really kids, and he wasn't one of them anymore. Jensen, of course, had gone through that quarter-life crisis before, but had survived it.

Still, the make-up girls have been giving Jared shit lately because of the way the powder sticks in the fine lines around his mouth. "Stop having such a good time, Jay," they tell him, "It's giving you lines." And they pull these mock serious faces because it doesn't matter if they get lines. They say it lightly, but it's funny because it's true--Jared's started paying attention, and he is getting laugh lines around his mouth, echoes of his smile in his cheeks. Jensen has some lines around his eyes now, sure, but those just make him look distinguished and kind of hotter, which is really unfair.

Jared can deal with this though, as long as Jensen's being the voice of reason for him. He's been there, getting old and wrinkly and losing work (well, ok, maybe not the last one), and obviously if Jensen can do it, so can Jared. Jared is at least as hot as Jensen, and Jensen hasn't lost anything in the way of looks after 'getting old,' so obviously Jared will be fine too. Except then Jensen finds a grey hair and loses his shit, and really, that's all there is to it.

Jared had been kind of idly running his fingers through Jensen's hair, watching his fingers, but really not actually looking at anything. He'd found the grey hair and pulled it out before he even really thought about what it was, not really registering until he was presenting it to Jensen with a, "Here, you had a grey," in response to Jensen's surprised "Ow!" Jensen had kind of taken it, and dropped it over the edge of the couch like you do with hairs you pick off your clothes, and that was kind of the end of it. Only it wasn't, because the next thing Jared knew, Jensen was asking questions about was he getting to old to be going out? and maybe it was time he, you know, settled down, except holy shit, there was no way he was old enough for that yet. He was still young! He was spry, Jensen was! and then Jared was talking Jensen out of buying a motorcycle because, seriously, what would he do with it in freaking Canada where it was winter ten months out of the year, and then really, really disgustingly hot for the last two and all Jensen did in the summer was complain about how he needed air condition. Motorcycles were notoriously lacking in AC.

The thing with it was the getting old paranoia was catching. After all, everyone was always getting older, right? So it holds that they're also getting older, logically; only getting old in their business could be a career killer. Yeah, they had it better than the girls, and a lot of guys went on to have successful careers as silver foxes, or even ugly old men, but there was that potential that they were getting old, and then everything would be too late, because you really can't go back.

So that's how it happened, really, and why they were sitting in the a dinky jail cell--an actual jail cell, which looked surprisingly like a few of the mock-up prisons they'd been in on set--in Jensen's home town, waiting for his sister to come post their bail. Jensen wasn't really talking to him, but Jared was pretty sure that was the embarrassment of getting arrested for semi-successfully graffiting a water tower, being arrested, and then having to have your little sister come get you because you were an idiot and there was no other explanation for your behavior.

It was just that this water tower, right? It was the mark all the trouble kids tagged back when Jensen was in high school; it was what you did to say, 'look at me, I'm young and I'm rebelling against all these adult things my parents' generation is trying to make me become' and somehow it had just seemed like a good way to prove they weren't over the hill yet, climbing up to the top and spray painting something on the side. They hadn't really counted on anyone noticing, much less calling the cops on them, and well, here they were, waiting for Jensen's little sister to come cluck at them about how they're supposed to be old enough to know better than this by now.

Jared knew better than to hope the tabloids wouldn't have a hold of this story by the next morning, but hey, at least they'd proved they were still as stupid as boys ten years their junior. Not quite the way they'd wanted to keep themselves young, but Jared was going to take what he could get.

pairing: j2, rating: g, anamuan, fandom: j2!fic

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