another day, another...... umm, night.

Dec 17, 2005 00:51

Been quite a while but thats how this goes for me.. nothing really happens to me worth note on a day to day basis, so i like to round it off to about twice a year to make it seem exciting when i read it back to myself.

Now you know and knowing is half the battle!
(public service message)

We'll start with late Nov.
Thanksgiving day i wake up at 3:45 P.M.Im not even hungry. Kenny tells me that he's not going to Tiesto, which leaves me roughly 5 hours to find someone else to go.Thanks Kenny. I call erkmo but he got snatched by his dad to go famly it up somewhere so i wait till zachmo comes home from Ohio. While there we aquire what we need and scoot. Finaly get all the way there and i hand zack his ticket from the two lodged in my wallet. Between the truck and the doors to the State Theatre, i lose my ticket. long story short (too late) we come back and stay up all night zinged.

two weeks ago.
Spur of the moment, erkmo and i decide to go to Canaadia. We try to take Guffy along but hes always a pud and doesnt understands things like priority when it comes to leaving the country or say eating with a fork.So Erkmoe and i Get to the border and go to customs where border patrol procededes to search erks car and ask us questions like, Where are we from and where were we before we left to come to canada. (DO NOT take unknown pills and try to get through customs. It hurts the brain).
But we get across ok and park his gillopy in the Windor Casino Parking Garage because it is free. (cool) But we didnt gamble (sigh).
From the Casino we hit the streets in snowy wintery wet weather. We go to this tiny club and buy some booze (AWESOMENESS)and yes low and behold many girls can dance and rather nicely too (but beware shot girls!!!!).
So i dance, get drunk, and meet some ppl which is nice, but then they started playing counrty and erkmo and i jetted to another club not even 100 yards down the street and they had a bar serving ppl outside cuz it was packed. Then we ditched that place and went to the one right across the street from that and ran into Jordan's/Zack's/herpese's Missy, and talk to her and a few of her friends and they were rolling (no suprise). GOt some numbers lost it during Notorious B.I.G. then left there after last call. After that we proceeded to stumble down the street but i stopped in front of this italian sausage resturaunt cuz there was club music playing in their outside awning. Danced in place there for a couple of minutes and almost fall on my ass, but saved at the last moment. Unfortunalty there were a lot of ppl in the shop nad they were watching my dance and all-too-close spill, and they all had a good laugh at my expence. But i laughed too. Later while more walking happened, erk called some strange girls beautiful and before we know it we have a place to shack up for the night. so we do so, until we get our fill of that and leave for home. I had to drive on the way out because erk had no license at the time and the roads were a lil bad from the nights snow-i-cane but erk fell asleep once we got to the D and only woke once on the way home so id say it was pretty smooth sailing. I noticed that every instant i spend around various lady folk that i lose less and less respect for them and their heart (or lack of such). I used to imagine almost any woman as a divine and lively person, but more and more that picturesc scene is being replaced by a knowledge that tells my heart that that is a stupid thought and a set up for let down. THese thoughts are truely horrible in the most heartless way. So i guess... i dont know... i dont know if theres anything that can be perscribed for hating people. BUt o well, just another empty notch.

till next year most likely
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