Nov 23, 2005 15:44
Ok WeLl I kNo ItS bEeN fOrEvEr SiNcE i WrOtE iN hErE sO iLl JuS cAtCh Up On ThE iMpOrTaNt ThInGs ThAtS hApPeNeD:
Ok, well....Me && *B* [bRiTtAnY sOuTh] && -MeGaN- have became ..BeSt FrIeNdS..*!* And I'm SoOoOoOo gLaD*!* i Love yall to death*!* Well, Me && Little Bitch Girl, ashley ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE*!* [so stop asking*!*] We stopped being friends b/c she decided that being friends wit CrAtEr FaCe JuLiE was more important than being fRiEnDs with ME*!* i mean, tell me if i'm wrong here, but would you be fRiEnDs wit a girl that said HORRIBLE THINGS about you suppose to be "bEsT fRiEnDs" BaBy!?! i didnt think so, so she wants to call me ~iMmAtUrE~ && actin like I'm in 1st Grade when shes the one that keeps starting SHIT*!* and telling her aunt && getting her mom to tell her aunt a bunch of BULLSHIT lies && keeps starting MORE DRAMA*!* There wouldnt be any if it wasnt for HER*!* So, if you read this FUCK YOU && stop saying shit about *Me* && x_NoLaN_x that AINT TRU && Mind your OwN fUcKiN bUsInEsS*!* && ii want mii shit back or you wont get urs*!* Thats all we got to say to you && bout that*!*
Next thing....we saw RiChArDs -ChEaTiN aSs- at the Mall && it was SoOoOo funny*!* I, not the guys, but I punk'd his ugly ass out*!* Then his girlfriend thought that she would put her 2 sense worth in it, but once she saw that I wasnt gonna put up wit her shit she BaCkEd OfF real quick*!* Then TODD thought that he would be a smart ass && put his comments in it but i got news for him....So enough bout their drama shit too*!*
Well, we went to see *SaW 2* && it was really good*!* Poor .ShAuN. his g/f broke up wit him....but he'll be STRONG*!* She's a ReAl BiTcH to him*!* -B- likes *LuNcHbOx* && he likes her too....they're prolly goin to start dating, so thats good. OoOoO yeah, we are now FRIENDS wit ~ChAnNoN~ which is cool*!* [were glad that were CoOl now, && dont wOrRiE bout what they kno that your better than her anyways*!* TtYl tho] but other than that....were goin to gAtLiNbUrG next week && were also going to that GaLlErIa thing Friday*!* but i'm waiting on x_NoLaN_x *TiMbO* && -LuNcHy- to get back wit Mii FoOd while i watch Mii #1 MoViE.... ~ThE nOtEbOoK~ so ill write more later*!*
-*- i LoVe YaLl -*-
Ox_i LoVe YoU NoLaN && PrEsLiE_xO ***MeA*B*MeG*bFf*** [i LoVe YaLl]
FaKe GurLs GeT aLL DrEsSeD uP ThInKiN ThEy LooK aLL GoOdiE WhEn Me && Mii GurLs LoOk real cUtE RoCkiN SwEaTpAnTs && a *HoOdiE*[MeA*B*MeG*bFf*i LoVe YaLl]