¤º¤ sOrRiE iTs BeEn So0o0o LoNg ¤º¤

Aug 03, 2005 16:50

*~* HeY gUyS *~*

Ok So0o0o I'lL jUs TeLl YoU aBoUt ReCeNtLy [i KnO iTs BeEn LiKe FoReVeR sInCe I wRoTe In HeRe*!*] WeLl, i'Ll jUs StArT aT lAtElY...uMmMm Ok HeRe Ya Go::

¤ LaSt WeEk ¤

WeLl, MoNdAy NuTtIn HaPpEnEd ReAlLy....TuEsDaY: i SaT aRoUnD aT x_Mii BaBiS_x WiT hIm, .AsH.[SqUeEkR] && *ToDd* ThEn WeNt To ToDd'S hOuSe, ThEn HoMe*!* WeDnEsDaY: Mii ( Read more... )

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fuck you! read this iam begging you too! anonymous October 25 2005, 04:09:26 UTC
hey whats up? your hidious, your baby is almost as bad. you have no life other than tryin to ruin someone elses. you remind most of us as a soap opera drama shit startin whore that eveyone loves to hate hehe. hey do you remember when you were flashing everyone at talladega? does nolan know? well he will soon some guy from hhs told us he got pics of some girls at the race flashing and guess who it was you and ashley cock eyed callahan. strech marks and fucked up eyes go together huh. that pic made me gag. ewww!ok back your baby. he or she or it looks like E.T. if that came out of me id kill myself. i see how you like hurting peoples feelings. well now its time you find out that your not so perfect yourself. seriously who do you think you are. oh yeah ashley shared some info on nolan. hes only with you cause he forgot to pull out. thats right for the kid not you. you really think someone could love a face likes yours. i dont think so. unless they are blind of course. he said he just wanted ass and ended up with you and a kid. i bet when he heard the news, well he prolly didnt believe it seeing as how you cheated on him, but i bet he tried to hang hisself at least 20 times before he figured out he couldnt do any better. i guess yall are right for each other. how come you are so damn 2 faced. it takes alot to do what you do. your friends one day enemy the next, but in a week your friends again. we all feel sorry for your baby. she will never have a fair chance at life. she'll be lucky if she dosnt turn out to be 40 and a drama queen such as yourself, because she'll get it from you and crazy eyes. its not fair that she will live at home in the trailer with you and nolan and hell you two will prolly be at home when your 60 so itll be 3 generations under one roof. sounds like a redneck comedy story to me.on to cross eye. your just a bitch. ugly funny shaped and who could forget the eyes. omg. what about your toe that like overlaps the other. scary thought. i dont like being around you cause i cant tell if your lookin at me or someone else. is there nothing to fix that? and why did you put those letters on brandons car. i heard you sent julie one too. and the new thing is you broke up todd and ashley. well if thats all you have to live for fine i guess its rather pathetic, but then again that word pathetic describes you in a way, well it just fits you. anyway i dont much more time for this i unlike you have a life to continue. you might have time to play around with peoples live but most of us dont, and dont care to anyway cause its just a low life thing to do. another word that describes you huh? so do what you have to but people will find a way through your bullshit so its useless. oh yeah one more thing, DEE is gonna fuck you and your life up. if freaky eyes has anything to say she'll get hers too. so keep on and youll get what shes got comin to you!
signed many people that hate you!


Re: fuck you! read this iam begging you too! hiz_babigrl5106 October 31 2005, 04:56:52 UTC
Ok listen here*!* let me just say that we KNOW WHO YOU ARE*!* so u can jus b the little girl that you are && hide, theres no need to b a big girl && say ur name*!* but let me tell you this, when you see me out, the BEST THING FOR YOU TO DO IS TURN AROUND && RUN THE OTHER WAY*!*[DONT WALK....RUN && HIDE*!*] the fucked up thing is u wanna sit there && tell me that im a low life?? the lowest thing for a person to do is to bring sum1's CHILD INTO THIS BULLSHIT*!* i mean what did she do to u? honestly, can u tell me? NOT SHIT*!* shes a fuckin baby for God's sake, shes an innocent lil baby*!* what if i said that bout u to ur mom? or wut if when u have a child i said that about her to u? o wait i WOULDNT b/c i have enough decentcy && respect for a child than to do sumpin like that*!* apparently ur the one w/o the life considering you have enough time to sit at home && think about all the things that ur gonna say about mii child, me, mii fiance' && Mii Best Friend*!* So, before u go callin me names, sayin that im hidious, low life, 2 faced, pathetic, have no life, accusing me of sumpin i didnt do or a drama queen....maybe u should take a look in the mirror && re-read wut u wrote me*!* b/c ive never seen a more hidious 2 faced pathetic low life shit starting drama queen before in mii life*!* i mean, u must really b pretty fuckin stupid to think that we wouldnt kno who this was...next time u think about callin me names, try not to use such an obvious insult like Strech Marks*!*!* but u keep on sayin shit bout Preslie....its aight, I GOT YA*!* and as for ashley && todd...thats none of YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS*!* are you them?!? no...ok then*!*!* And another thing, the whole Talladega thing! you can save your breath && your time, b/c yes NOLAN KNOWS*!* And NOLAN WAS THERE WITH US*!* soOoOoOo now wut bitches!? but what is so funny to us is how HIPOCRYTICAL YOU ARE*!* you sit there && tell us that we have nothing better to do other than try && ruin yall's lives && make up shit to break ppl up && everything, when that is EXACTLY WUT UR TRYING TO DO*!* sayin that nolan said all that shit && so did Ashley...we AINT DUMB*!* i kno they didnt say that...u r jus TRYIN TO BREAK US ALL UP*!* B/C UR JEALOUS*!* BUT ITS AIGHT....WERE STRONG, YALL AINT GONNA COME B/T US*!* so y dont u read wut u wrote me && take sum of ur own advice ok pumpkin!?!? So, hun do us a favor! take ur bullshit chicken little self sumwhere else && tell it to sum1 who cares*!* We have better things to do than worry about wut dumb ass bullshit thing u have to say next. b/c ur the little chicken shit who CANT FIGHT UR OWN BATTLE && HAS TO MAKE UP STUFF TO TELL DEE THAT WE SAID WHEN WE DIDNT SO THAT SHE'LL FIGHT US INSTEAD OF URSELF*!* IVE NEVER SAID ONE BAD THING ABOUT HER && I NEVER WILL B/C IVE NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH HER*!* AND YOU KNOW THAT, SO WHY DONT YOU GET A LIFE && GROW UP && STOP MAKING UP BULLSHIT STORIES TO TELL HER B/C UR TOO SCARED TO FIGHT US URSELF*!* so dont talk to me or write on here until u can b BIG GIRL && STAND UP TO ME URSELF*!* but thats ok b/c im gonna find u out one day....jus remember that && that u shouldnt have said wut u said bout preslie*!* but we have to go b/c we have more important things to do then bitch at u all nite*!*


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