-FFCC: I spend too much time on this game.

Sep 21, 2009 18:35

I'm posting this because there are a few people on my f-list who are probably interested in it.

edit: ohfuck updated (9/22/2009 @ 9:56pm Eastern)

So, I'm still playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. The vast majority of the characters I have on my save are the basis for the characters I'm using for the RP thing I've associated with my LJ's (wip) tag right down to the fact that the way Imila's FFCC:EoT character is set up could serve as a major spoiler.

Imila in this game is what one could consider my main; she's Lv.99, is my most-often used, and damn near unstoppable in most scenarios due to the equipment I've decked her out with. The only thing that really takes her down is being hit multiple times by magic while frozen, or accidentally nuking herself, which is entirely possible. More-recently, though, I've been seriously building a second character, who has caught up to her scarily-fast, at least on the melee-combat front.

Have a comparison, showing before and after equipment; the after number, if there is any change, is given in (parentheses).
  Lua - Lv.94 Lilty Female Imila - Lv.99 Clavat Female Hit Points 910 532 (851) Magic Points 762 518 Physical ATK 752 (922) 309 (871) Physical DEF 626 (947) 318 (915) Magic ATK 193 (196) 306 (316) Magic DEF 624 (752) 306 (336) Fire 45 A, 34 D (44 D) 107 A, 105 D Blizzard 26 A, 25 D (35 D) 140 A, 138 D Thunder 26 A, 24 D (34 D) 152 A, 152 D Stun 135 A, 179 D (160 A, 209 D) 290 A, 366 D Spacetime 47 A, 30 D (52 A) 203 A, 153 D Dark 39 A, 40 D (44 A) 172 A, 170 D
Just to note, all of this is done without cheating. I had help (via multiplayer) in obtaining some of the items I've used, but everything is legit.

(wip), gaming, internet, (mike is a nerd)

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