-Endings are only new beginnings.

Apr 11, 2009 03:31

Edit w/ READ THIS FIRST: My posting about RP problems and such does not mean I am seeking help for them every time. This post in particular is meant just to explain some stuff that is going on and if necessary, discuss related things in the comments.

Okay, so, it was recently decided through a conversation with vandaeron that it's time to let Dark Corona go. It's been alive since about 2000 in various forms, including ZZT games (no longer available), written work (also no longer available), and RPing on IRC. I don't really want to drop it, but recent events have left me all but unable to continue with its storyline, due to there being far too many holes left for me to be able to fix on my own.

This means that meilleurekimiko's The Final Waltz will probably be my last act in what we commonly refer to as DE or the IPH universe, which is the HUGER THAN XBOX universe that Dark Corona was a part of.

This also means that some of the OCs I've played in chasesooczone are effectively done, as well. Brooke (adoridelabun), Claire (rightloop), Elaoris (elaoris), Litania (lithisako), and Lucia (farasfirsit) will probably not be seen ever again, guys, unless someone tells me they want me to post with them. Espia (big-purple-boom) in cpslk_drssngrm is likely to be dropped as well, seeing that she's another character from the same story/RP/thing.

Cecila (unseen-wind) is absolutely refusing to go down, though. She's stalking around dear-mun right now, and was saying things about how her world is at risk and whatnot. She's apparently going to get a bunch of the others together to request AUs at some point here.

Euria (empyrealblue), Midori (lumokinetic), and Siena (domalin) do not apply to this though, since two are from meilleurekimiko's Exodus Gaiden (one being a sidestory character actually) and one is from aori_radidjiu's Crimson War Chronicle, and may be seen a few times here and there even if not requested.

Because I don't want to drop IRC RPing entirely, though, I'm starting to try to think of something new. It will probably take a considerable bit of planning, since I intend to start with a completely blank slate for this; new world, new people, new everything. Some things might wind up seeming similar to others I've done before, but I intend for this to be completely separate from everything anyone (aori_radidjiu, meilleurekimiko, etc) has done thus far. The main character of whatever story I come up for this will be named for my main character in FFCC: Echoes of Time, and I already have a number of things figured out for her.

Any posts I make regarding this new idea will be tagged as "roleplaying" and "(wip)", so if I fail to mention that it is what I'm talking about in future posts, look at the post's tags to be sure.


Great, now I'm thinking of playing her somewhere on LJ already. Except, RPing her in an LJ comm means probably spoiling what I've decided on.

chase's ooc zone, (wip), roleplaying, dark corona

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