
Mar 16, 2010 17:21

◊ If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
◊ Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
What song are you currently addicted to?

I'm never addicted to any one song. Instead, I get addicted to my entire freaking iTunes library.
What books are you currently reading?

None, at the moment. I'll probably get started on And Another Thing in the near future, though.
What is the one skill you wish you had?

The ability to just ignore stuff when it offends me.
What is something that not many people know about you? 
REPLACED - REASON: Not comfortable with answering that. 
Quick, let's do some word association! What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say "blue"?

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

I'm kind of addicted to RPing. It's good that it gives me something to do, but at the same time it's caused me more than its fair share of problems.
What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

This, among others.
What websites do you visit when you go online?

Always: LiveJournal
Often: Danbooru, Pixiv
Occasionally: Freeware PPC, PSO World
Rarely: FanFiction.NET
What was the last thing you bought?

Yesterday's lunch. There is a Taco Bell at the end of my street, you know.
Coke or Pepsi?

Coke or Mountain Dew.
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?

What do you do to change your mood?

Open up iTunes and listen to stuff that fits the general mood I want to be in.
What was the last meal you ate?

I just ate some Hot Pockets, of the "chicken and cheese" variety.
Five things you can't live without.

Pocket PC, PDA, iPAQ, whatever you want to call it.
Phone well okay, considering how the past year has been this is debatable.
What is the closest purple thing near you?

A hairtye. Which I currently have no need for since I actually got a haircut for once this past weekend.
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?

Take it easy!


*Mike is now being violently maimed.*
What are you looking forward to?

WarioWare: DIY. I'm going to headdesk if it screws up my characterization of Ashley over in clairbourn.◊ Tagged by:

Nobody! I'm stealing it from raining_chairs 8|;;;
◊ Tagging:



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