Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 28)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke
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Comments 5
Chii your so smart ne you can notice if Ryosuke is lying to everyone. ^_^
And you Ryosuke you need to practice acting so no one will notice your lying. hahahaha
I think Yuto and Keito are curios about what chinen just said to ryosuke.
i will wait for your next update ren-nechan ^_^
Thanks for reading and commenting, Arisha-chan.
u updated this fic~!!
btw,i'll just leave my spot here ..hehe
* wanna go finish my homeworks* :D
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