Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 27)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke that was forcefully invited to attend this school. Unknown of the school secrets, this is the start of an unfolding story of this mysterious boy life in this new school where his journey of not only journey of knowledge but also the story of his past and love would begin.
Chapter 27
Ryosuke woke up and realise he was still in his room. He saw Yuto sleeping on the strawberry carpet in the middle of his room with two jackets covering him. He realise one of the jackets was Yuto’s and the other one was Keito’s. He looked around for the other boy but couldn’t find the boy and he decided to go out instead. He is curious about his dream. He’s worried so he decided to go to see the headmaster. He knows he is putting himself for risk but he couldn’t help it. Rie was his only sibling. His only sister. Unfortunately, when he just wanted to open the door, Keito came back.
*Conversation* (Ryosuke’s bold. Keito’s italic.)
‘Yama-chan! You’re awake!’
‘So Yuto’s still asleep. Guess you haven’t known the good news then?’ (looking at the sleeping boy on the carpet)
‘Huh? What good news?’
‘We, me and Yuto, has decided to truce with Chinen and Ryutaro. Chii came up with the idea. So we are friends now!’
‘Wow…. That’s great….’
‘Yama-chan, daijoubu? You don’t seem very happy.’ (Disappointed at his friend lack enthusiasm.)
‘I’m fine. Just tired.’
‘oh… Okay….’
‘um…. Keito, I need to go somewhere. I’ll be back in a few hours.’
‘Where are you going, Yama-chan?’
‘Just somewhere. Don’t worry I’ll be fine. I promised I’ll be back soon. Tell the others if they are looking for me.’
‘Ok. But please be back soon.’
Ryosuke was walking towards the headmaster’s office or at least he guess the room he went last time was the headmaster office. Ryosuke hesitated to knock the door when he reach the room. Suddenly the door opened on its own, shocking Ryosuke.
‘I was waiting for you, Yamada-kun.’ The headmaster said from inside the room.
Ryosuke hesitated to enter the room but his care for Rie’s safety took over his fear.
‘Have you made up your mind?’ The headmaster asked.
‘I’m not here for that today.’ Ryosuke said. He hid his fear even though he was scared of the headmaster.
‘Then you probably had known about this then.’ The headmaster said, clapping his hands twice. Suddenly the door behind Ryosuke opened, revealing Rie being brought in by two of the academy’s men.
‘Rie!’ Ryosuke shouted and rushed towards his sister but he was stopped by one of the men.
‘Hold it, Yamada-kun.’ The headmaster said.
‘Let her go!’ Ryosuke said, turning around to face the headmaster.
‘And why should I do that? I paid quite a high price for her.’ The headmaster replied.
‘I’ll do it! I’ll join you! As long as you let Rie go and keep your promises, you can do whatever you want with me!’ Ryosuke exclaimed. Although he was scared but the sight of Rie makes him realised this is the only immediate way he can protect her and his friends.
‘Alright then, Yamada-kun. I’ll keep my promises as long as you keep your side of the bargain.’ The headmaster said, smirking. The headmaster waves his hand and immediately the men let go of Rie. The scared little girl immediately ran towards her older brother.
‘You can take her with you. I’ll inform you when I need you.’ The headmaster said.
‘I understand.’ Ryosuke said before he and Rie left the headmaster office.
*Here’s chapter 27. I know this chapter is short so I’ll try to make the next chapter longer. I also have a bad news for my readers. I may be on semi-hiatus for the this 2 months(middle march till middle may). I haven’t determined this yet but there will be a big possibility since there will be many school events, assignments and tests for me. Gomenasai.
Thanks to those who read or comment.*