Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 20)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke that was forcefully invited to attend this school. Unknown of the school secrets, this is the start of an unfolding story of this mysterious boy life in this new school where his journey of not only journey of knowledge but also the story of his past and love would begin.
Chapter 20
The headmaster was sitting in his office, waiting for someone. Suddenly, Takaki Yuya appears out of thin air in front of his desk.
‘You’re late, Yuya.’ The headmaster said.
‘I’m sorry, father. The elemental ability class is in a havoc condition after the incident. I had a hard time getting out.’ Yuya explained.
‘I told you! I don’t like excuses!’
‘I’m sorry.’ Yuya apologized again, bowing down.
‘Get to the point.’ The headmaster said impatiently.
‘Inoo already tell Yabu about your plans to recruit Yamada.’ Yuya said.
‘I knew they are friends. They are nothing even if they join force.’
‘But they are trying to prevent your plans, father. It’s hard to force him to join if they interfere.’ Yuya said.
‘Those useless lowlife. Oh well, it’s all pointless anyway. If we can’t get him forcefully, we’ll make him join willingly.’ The headmaster said evilly.
‘I’m ready to follow your words, father.’ Yuya said.
‘Get him on his own. Then just leave the rest to me.’ The headmaster ordered.
‘Yes, father.’
Takaki was walking down a corridor in the hospital. He is going to find Ryosuke.
*Takaki POV* (Italic are his thoughts)
‘Damn! I hate doing his dirty work. I hate being a spy for him. I hate that I cannot lie since he probably still has other spies around. I hate his organization and this academy itself.’
‘Those boys….’
I walked to Morimoto’s ward room and knocked the door. I watched as he opened the door for me.
* POV end*
‘Takaki-senpai?’ Ryosuke said shocked to see Takaki.
‘Konichiwa, Ryo-chan! Why are you so shocked?’ Takaki said, putting up a cheerful smile.
‘Why are you here, senpai?’ Ryosuke asked curiously.
‘To visit Morimoto-kun, of course!’
‘Eh! Do you know Ryu?’
‘Nope. But it is not wrong for a senior to visit his junior, right?’
‘Right….. Well, come in.’ Ryosuke said.
‘Thanks…..’ Takaki said as he follows Ryosuke into the room.
‘Who is it, Ryo?’ Chinen asked Ryosuke looking up from the manga.
‘Takaki-senpai…’ Ryosuke answered.
‘He’s our senior in the elemental ability class.’ Chinen explained.
‘Takaki Yuya desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Morimoto-kun.’ Takaki introduced himself.
‘Yoroshiku, senpai.’ Ryutaro greeted back.
After chatting with the three boys for more than 2 hours, Takaki finally decided to leave.
‘Well I’ll be taking my leave then, boys.’ Takaki said.
‘Okay. Bye, senpai.’ Ryutaro said.
‘Umm…. Ryo-chan, can I talk to you for a while?’ Takaki asked.
‘What do you think you have been doing for the last two hours?’ Ryosuke asked sarcastically.
‘Ryo-chan, I mean privately.’ Takaki said.
‘Sure…’ Ryosuke said.
Takaki and Ryosuke are in the emergency exit of the hospital.
‘Ryo-chan, are you free tomorrow morning?’ Takaki asked.
‘Hai. I don’t have anything to do till the afternoon.’ Ryosuke answered.
‘Great! So can you visit somewhere with me tomorrow?’
‘Sure! Can I bring Chii and Ryu along?’
‘Um…. I think you should come alone. I will meet you at the main office building tomorrow at 8.30 am.’
‘Okay then.’ Ryosuke said.
‘Bye, Ryo-chan.’ Takaki said before walking away still waving his hand a bit.
*Sorry for posting so late...... I was really busy lately. i'll post the next chapter by tomorrow or the day later. Enjoy the character list too. Thank you for reading or commenting.