Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 18)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke
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This school is messed up
Totally using my super death glare alice and hurting the headmaster right now grrrrrr
Poor kids <-- literally cuz they are not even 10 yet ><
I really hope things will work out for all of them in the end
Let's see
Hika's girl : Eri or Erina
Headmaster: Ass or Jerk (I'm kidding but I wish haha)
Can't help making them young.... The story line won't sound right if they are their current age.....
You can hurt the headmaster but don't kill him.... I still need that jerk.....
thanks for reading and commenting...
I figured about the name for the headmaster
But that should be the name given to him though
Cuz he is being a big jerk to everyone
Ahhh souka
Well I'll keep reading to find out ne ^^
Ehhhh I can't ><
Give me the signal when I can murder that evil person for making the lives of JUMP horrible XD
Then I can't kill him for awhile na ><
Well all I hope for is a happy ending
But that's for you to decide
Demo a happy ending would be great...hint...hint haha
Well that's good to know
So I get a sense of how long this will be
Ganbatte yo
I'm still believing in a happy ending haha
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