Title: Life and Lies of Horikoshi Academy (chapter 32)
Author: hiyoshichii
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Yamachii, Daikiryu, Okajima, Inoobu
Summary: Horikoshi Gakuen is a school full of secret. All that was known of this school to the public that only kids that were special were allowed to attend to it. This is the story of a boy by the name Yamada Ryosuke that was forcefully invited to attend this school. Unknown of the school secrets, this is the start of an unfolding story of this mysterious boy life in this new school where his journey of not only journey of knowledge but also the story of his past and love would begin.
Chapter 32
When Kota, Hikaru and Kei reach the main office, they saw a few of the academy's men injured.
'What happen?' Kota asked.
'The headmaster will explain everything to you, sensei.' One of the academy's men tell them.
After that Kota, Hikaru and Kei walked to the headmaster's office. On the way there they saw many more injured men.
'Wow, he really gave them a handful.' All three of them thought at the same time.
When they reach the headmaster's office, Kota knocked on the door. As usual (A/N ~ for them anyway ~) the door automatic open for them.
'Yabu, Yaotome and Inoo, I got something for the tree of you to do.' The headmaster said the moment the three of them entered the room and the door was closed. In the room they saw the boy they known as Panther being hold by two of the academy's men. There are two anti-alice braclets on the boy wrist. One on each arm.
'So they are going to be my teacher, huh?' The boy said sarcastically.
'His name is Keichiro. 5 years old so he will be in your class, Yabu. And he will be joining the dangerous ability class, therefore he's under your charge, Inoo. And for Yaotome, I want you to make sure those braclets are never remove.' The principal ordered, ignoring Keichiro.
'Oh man..... That's mean I need to wear these stupid things for another 20 years?' Keichiro complained.
'Shut up, boy! I can make you wear they forever if i want to!' The headmaster said angrily because he can't stand Keichiro's annoyance anymore.
'Ok, old man... Chill....' Keichiro said.
'Sir,may I know what is his last name and his alice?' Kei asked.
'He has the alice to control air and he has no last name. He is an orphan. One that the orphanage was very happy to let go of.' The headmaster said, mentioning the last part towards Keichiro sarcastically, hoping to upset the boy but it didn't work. Instead, Keichiro only replied him and a sly smile.
'Damn kid! Just get him out of here, Yabu! Bring him to the dorm!' The headmaster said, getting really pissed.
'Hai!' Yabu replied immediately since he saw how angry was the headmaster. He, Hikaru and Kei rushed themselves and grapped Keichiro out of the room.
After the four of them had left the building, Yuya appear out of thin air in front of the headmaster.
'Father, Don't you want him to join us?' Yuya asked his father.
'No. That boy is more a thorn than a gain to us.' The headmaster replied.
'He was not easy to get.' Yuya said.
'How's Hitsugaya?' The headmaster asked.
'The doctor said he will be fine after a good night rest.' Yuya replied.
'You?' The headmaster asked again.
'I'm fine, father. Just a few minor cuts.' Yuya answered.
'Go and rest then. I'll see you at tomorrow's meeting. We need to welcome our new member after all.' The headmaster said, smirking.
'I understand, father.' Yuya said before disappearing into thin air.
Suou was lying down on his bed while reading a plantation enciclopedia. He has an IV drop connected to his left arm.
'As expected of a plant lover.' Yuya said suddenly since he directly teleported into Suou's room.
'Did anyone tell you it is rude to enter someone's room without knocking, Takaki-kun?' Suou replied sarcastically.
'Oh, come on, Suou. Aren't we friends? Just call me Yuya for heaven's sake.' Takaki groaned.
'Whatever, Yuya. Don't distrub me.' Suou said, his eyes not leaving his book.
'I would it you were sleeping. Didn't the doctor asked you to rest and not by reading that enormously thick book.' Yuya replied.
'Yuya.... Firstly, I'm resting. Second, the doctor only me to rest not sleep. Third, I'm bored of lying here doing nothing that why I'm reading. Lastly, this enormously thick book you mentioned is one of my thiness.' Suou replied sarcastically.
'Hey! I'm just concerned about you. After all you nearly died because that kid made you breath in all that toxic gas.' Yuya said defensively.
'I know.... Gomen, ne...' Suou appologized, looking away from his book to face Yuya.
'Whatever...' Yuya sighed.
'But that kid was really strong ain't he?' Suou said.
'What do you expect of a kid that cut down half the forest's trees to half. It like a tree cutter that can cut down thousands of trees in one second. He cause you to need to replant the trees even though you were injured.' Yuya complained.
'Yuya.... You know I like to plant so i don't mind. Any way it was only a quarter of the forest.' Suou replied.
'Yeah, yeah.... Just rest a bit, k Suou?' Yuya said.
'Hai.... Just go already.... You need your rest too , deshou?' Suou replied.
'Alright.... I'll stop distrubing you. Bye!' Yuya said before dissapearing into thin air again.
Kota, Hikaru and Kei brings Keichiro to his new room. Someone was already inside the room when they arrived.
'Hey, Mirage! Hisashiburi!' Keichiro greeted the person inside the room.
'Baka! Mizuno-san told you to act tomorrow! And you call me by my name here!' The person scolded.
'Chill.... Gees, staying here to long has made you have the same attitude of that stupid old man, Keito-nii.' Keichiro said.
'I would chill if you cause me less problem which always gives me a headache.' Keito said.
'Hai.... After all out of everyone here, you have the highest autorities.' Keichiro said, sarcastically.
'Just watch yourself. We have enough things to worry about without you making things worst for us.' Keito warned ignoring Keichiro comment.
'Yeah, whatever....' Keichiro pouted, making Keito sighed.
'Keep an eye on him. I'm going now, if not Yuto and Ryutaro will suspect me. I kinda just left them in the cafeteria.' Keito told Kota, Hikaru and Kei before he left the room.
~~~Special Questionaire number three~~~
Do the headmaster knows Keichiro is a spy for the association like he knows Kota, Hikaru and Kei are?
*Please reply in the comment box. The answer will be revealed in the story soon, so keep reading, k?*
*Here chapter 32. Get your answer for the first questionaire here. Thanks to those who read and comment.*