"Hello" is a New Beginning

Apr 21, 2010 03:58

“Hello” is a New Beginning

Title “Hello” is a New Beginning
Author hiyaitsray
Rating G
Character(s)/Pairing(s) Puck/Kurt
Warning No Beta, Slash, First real fic EVER
Spoilers None, really
Disclaimer I don’t own Glee or its characters, not even the idea.  Regrettably, Mark, Chris, and Ryan Murphy most likely are oblivious of my existence.
Summary Never discount the value of hello - for Kurt Hummel, it changed his life twice.

Word Count 2,108

Author Notes Though I have written fanfiction before, please be aware that this is my first REAL fanfic EVER.  I’m a long time lurker, so actually posting anything (a comment, even) is a rather large step forward for me.  I hope that this doesn’t turn you off from this fic, because I really slaved over this. Thanks! :D

Kurt Hummel was a sweet, sweet boy.

In his experience, sweet boys shouldn’t have to go through this.

Kurt had made plans this weekend in a desperate bid to fend off the oppressing summer heat.  Granted, these plans consisted solely of sitting on his soft plush Lizzie McGuire armchair moved to his lawn (Dad only moving it with minimal complaints this time) while daintily sipping on moms chilly lemonade - freshly squeezed, as his mom would say.  Kurt was peeved to learn that instead he was to play sports with their new neighbors, but still he could not complain.  The lounging could be saved for another day.

A somewhat enjoyable sounding  summer afternoon for the perfect, sweet boy.

Unfortunately, rather than sitting on his plush Lizzie McGuire arm chair, he found himself holed up in his room with tears forming ugly, ugly rivulets down his cheeks on this particularly sweltering day.

And rather than sipping on chilly lemonade, Kurt choked out sobs and spit as his salty tears ran into his mouth.  Skincare forgotten, he raised the back of his trembling hand to his red face and frantically wiped off the evidence of his shame in wide, hurried movements.

Kurt hated to cry, one of the few things his dad taught him that he retained.  When people see you cry, Dad’s words echoed in his head, they’ll think you're weak, Kurt.

Kurt had tripped and scraped his knee that day in the theme park, and not knowing what else to do, he simply crumpled onto the floor and let out as loud as a wail as he could muster.  His mother rushed to his side, whispering comforting words softly yet urgently in his ear as she tended to his wound.

As the pain and confusion cleared in Kurt’s head, he dared to slowly open his moist eyes, taking in the sight before him through half-lidded eyes and long butterfly lashes.

His father, who towered above him to his left, had on an unreadable expression on (Pain? Confusion? Even . . . Anger?) while a veritable crowd of people had accumulated around Kurt, staring down at him.

The crowd consisted of a diverse mix of people - old ladies, looking down at him with sympathy.  Children his age, tugging on their parents pants and urging them to take a look at the “crybaby on the floor”.  Even a handful of teenagers, in their busy angst-ridden lives, found some spare moment to marvel at him as if they were at a zoo and he was a caged gorilla.

His disconcerted eyes turned to rest once again on his father.  His emotions seemed to have finally settled on a hard, blank stare.  He slowly kneeled to help his mom assist Kurt up, then firmly grasped Kurt by the shoulder and forcibly pulled him aside, away from the stares of the crowd.

For a second, Kurt was annoyed.  Why was his dad being so rough with him?  His father, once again kneeling to face Kurt at eye level, seemed to be searching for the right thing to say.

That was when the sweet little boy was changed forever.

“When people see you cry,” his dad said slowly, his eyes brimming with intensity, “they’ll think you’re weak, Kurt.”

All of a sudden, Kurt felt very, very naked.

The stares, the confusion, everything suddenly made a disturbing amount of sense to Kurt as he realized ashamedly what had just transpired.

“Kurt?” His Dad’s voice snapped Kurt out of his trance.  His vision coming back to him, Kurt saw his dads now worried face staring back at him.  His eyes wandered to his mother, now huddled against his father in order to block out the curious faces of the veritable army now forming a circle around Kurt.

In a rush of humiliation, Kurt pushed his father aside bolted blindly away from his father.

“KURT!” He heard his dad yell out in surprise, followed by his familiar clunky footsteps advancing upon him.

Straining his legs to take him as far away as possible from his father, he cut through the crowd of people (which was accompanied by a few satisfying gasps) and willed himself to keep running.

A young boys legs can only take him so far, though, and by the time he reached the irritatingly loud and flamboyantly painted carousel, he panted and wheezed as he bent over and held his knees, sucking in air madly.  He heard the familiar boom of his fathers voice approaching him, and he stood up straight immediately, his head whipping around for a place to hide.

His eyes settled on a nearby mens bathroom and though Kurt didn’t exactly relish the idea of crying in such a disgusting place, beggars can’t be choosers so he hurried into the (just as he expected) foul smelling bathroom.

Scanning the cramped, dingy bathroom, Kurt breathed in a sigh of relief as he saw that nobody else currently occupied it.  He rushed into the farthest stall from the door, slamming and locking the door unforgivingly as he sat on the graffiti ridden toilet.

Now certainly alone, he buried himself into his hands and sobbed uncontrollably.  Spasms wracked his body, his lithe form quivering in the uncomfortably small stall.

His tears starting to subside, a small thunk in the bathroom caused Kurt to jump in surprise.  His eyes almost bugging out of their sockets in fear, he cautiously surveyed the bathroom stall, his eyes taking in every little detail for the first time.  He looked up at the surprisingly starch white ceiling when something very frightening and very . . .new . . . stared right back at him.

Rather literally.

A curious boys face stared at him from his place on the stall divider in slight amusement as Kurt jumped out of his seat, his shaking hands clutching his chest in an attempt to stop his heart from bursting out of his chest.

“Hmm, finally realized you aren’t alone, huh?  So, what are you crying about?”  The young boy inquired, a smirk forming on his face.

Kurt took a moment to examine this boy closer.  He had a thin face, his high cheekbones spearing out from his rosy cheeks.  Short, curly black hair covered his head.  It accents his long black lashes nicely, Kurt thought offhandedly.  Even from this distance, Kurt could infer that this boy probably played sports - he was tan and his caramel skin concealed ropey muscle, small but impressive mounds on his thin arms.  His full, soft-looking lips twisted into a grimace as he realized Kurt wouldn’t be responding anytime soon.

“Hey, did you hear me?  I asked you a question!”

Kurt, realizing the situation, snapped on an indignant face.

“None of your business.” Kurt muttered.  His lips compressed themselves into a thin line as he composed himself and walked out of the stall with as much dignity as he could muster.

The boy, flabbergasted at Kurt’s refusal, dropped from the top of the stall divider and walked out of his own stall, walking hurriedly after Kurt.

“Hey! I was just trying to-“ The boy said, his arm darting out to pull Kurt to face him.

“I don’t need any help.” Kurt interrupted, slapping his hand away from his shoulder.  Taking a step away from the boy and turning around to face him, Kurt was shocked to find the boy crestfallen.  Sighing, he resolved to apologize the small boy.

“Look, I’m sorry.  I’m just going though a lot and-“

The boy suddenly darted forward and surprised Kurt by resting his hands on Kurt shoulders.

“It’s okay, I understand.”  The boy smiled.  “Maybe we got off on the wrong foot?  I’m Noah and I’ll be transferring to McKinley Elementary next year!  Nice to meet you, man!”

The boys took his hand off Kurt’s shoulders and changed it into a handshake position.  His eyes were bright and he was smiling so hard Kurt was scared he might get smile-wrinkles just by looking at it.

Smiling back at the boy, he raised his hands and tentatively took the boys hands in his own, shaking firmly.  He could swear his heart fluttered for a second.


Kurt smiled through the tears at the fond memory.  Though he was absolutely exhausted, he couldn’t help but feel a bit better.

This year, he had entered McKinley Elementary and was pleasantly surprised when the name Noah Puckerman was on the Grade 1 roster.  He and Noah had a blast this entire year, picking bugs off of plants (well, Noah anyway) and giving each other skincare tips (well, Kurt mostly).  Nothing could have made a more perfect summer so far.

Well, until this ruined it.

He had been downstairs in the front yard with his parents, playing a friendly game of football with the neighbors.  Finn, that giant of a 7 year old, had ran into him on accident and Kurt crumpled onto the itchy grass, yelping in pain.

He felt the familiar burning in his eyes as his vision blurred and his cheeks felt wet.  He was about to cry when he realized something.

Everybody was staring at him.

Finn was kneeling by Kurt, and Kurt could vaguely make him out yelling something like “Are you okay?!” in his face.  His neighbors, the Hudson parents and the Dumott-Schunard’s, were staring at him.

Suddenly, everything in Kurts vision started to twist and merge and melt, until all Kurt could see was eyes, all staring at him.

De ja vu clutched at his stomache, millions of garden snakes wrapping around it, slithering and hissing as they made their way into his sinking heart,

Kurt jumped away from Finn’s touch, running into the house and bounding up the stairs as his parents called out to him.

And that’s how the sweet boy found himself, on this sweaty day, in his room with tears staining his pale face,

Kurt rolled out of his ball position and laid on the bed, sighing as his face got itchy again.  Kurt decided not to scratch it.  Might as well salvage whatever’s left of my complexion, he thought.

Kurt’s eyes popped open a second later when he heard a soft rapraprap on his window.

Cautiously, he got off his soft bed and slowly made his way to the window, somewhat afraid of what he was to find on the other side.

Jerking the window blinds away from the window, he found a familiar face staring back at him.

Gasping, he shot Noah a well practiced ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing, moron’ look.  Noah smiled fondly and locked Kurt in a comforting gaze.

Kurt smiled back with his own tender look, taking in Noah’s youthful face.  The moment didn’t last long, however, as Noah’s face suddenly screwed up into an amusing look.

Kurt couldn’t control his laughter, both at Noah’s face and his horrible ability to hold a sweet moment for even a second.  Noah’s face contorted over and over again, provoking Kurt into a fit of laughter as more tears streamed down his face.  These ones being ones Kurt was thankful for.

His laughter subsiding, Kurt opened his eyes to look at Noah.  He was smirking in that annoyingly cute way that he had when they had first met.

Suddenly, his face changed once again.  This time, it was one of deep thought and jumbled emotion, and Kurt was scared for a second.  The last time someone had looked at him like this . . . well, Kurt didn’t even want to think about it again.

Noah, finally seeming to settle on an emotion, looked up at Kurt.  He kissy faced at him and for a second, Kurt almost got offended.  Then Noah placed his lips against the cold glass window, silently asking for something.



Kurt blushed profusely and a million thoughts flicked through his head in that one second.

What would dad say if he saw this?  What if anybody saw this? Kurt was torn.  He was about to back away from the window, when he saw Noah’s face.

It looked up in silent sadness, seeing Kurt’s reluctance.  Kurt wondered - was this what he looked like when he first met Noah?  Noah was about to retreat from the window when Kurt made a quick decision.

He bent over and, still blushing madly, placed his lips against the glass awkwardly as the two boys shared a chaste kiss.

Kurt broke the window kiss and saw Noah looking dreamily at him.  His eyes still on Noah, he opened the window.


puckurt, hiyaitsray, "hello" is a new beginning, slash

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