Toy Story Sid/Andy Fic - Still Waiting for the Airbags

Aug 01, 2010 05:45

Title: Still Waiting for the Airbags
Author: hiyaitsray
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Sid/Andy
Warning: Mentions of sex and some foul language
Type: One-shot
Summary/Notes: Sid has been noticing Andy has been thinking about college a bit more, and can’t help but be a bit worried.

BTW, this fic is sort of a sequel to ‘Sanitation Engineer’s” set in Sid’s POV.  Here is a quick timeline summary:

-“Sanitation Engineers” is set in the summer before Andy becomes a Senior.  Sid had dropped out of high school and became a garbage man a year prior as a sophomore, thanks to his dad.

-Sid and Andy get together a few months after the events in ‘Sanitation Engineers” during Andy’s school year as a senior.

-Finally, this fic takes place a few months before Andy graduates from high school.

"Sanitation Engineers" can be found here:

Sorry for any time or canon mistakes, this is just a mostly made up world where Sid and Andy make hot trashy college boy loving. <3 Thanks, enjoy the fic!


Sid considers himself a pretty amazing guy.

To most onlookers, Sid is a high school dropout that got a job that practically called to him - garbage disposal.  It only makes sense for shit to handle shit.  It’s the view of most middle class ingrates that Sid has gotten used to.  Well, fuck them and their white collars.

If anything, Sid was glad he was a garbage man.  He had to wake up early, yeah, but after a semi-normal work day he could play the rest of the morning (and night) away.  Handling other people’s trash also had its physical advantages, of course.  Sid had slowly grown from a skinny, pasty teenager to a tan, well-muscled young man.  If he felt especially sexy that day, he would wear his old skull print shirt.  The feeling of his muscles being barely contained by the flimsy cloth gave him a feeling of pride and an air of confidence.  The staring housewives probably helped with that.

Sid can barely understand what would make, no, possess a man to work in a cramped office setting.  He had watched all those movies and TV shows about workplace drama, and his detest to the world of suits and ties had only grown from there.

Which was why he couldn’t really wrap his head around why Andy worked so hard in school.

Andy, Sid’s boyfriend of three months, could only be described as an especially bookish and innocent boy.  The world of high school, which swallowed, gnawed on, and spat out Sid in a record 2 years, seemed to have taken pity on Andy.  He lived in a world of books and games, and really only in recent years has Andy put down his old toys.  Around that time, Sid had just dropped out of school and was able to land his garbage man job with a little help from his dad.  Andy, being the predictably good boy he was, started to take out the garbage for his mom.  Which was how they met, actually - Sid was on one of his routine Friday morning runs when a teenager, dressed in only light blue Woody pajamas, had stumbled out of his house, garbage bag in hand.  Sid vaguely recognized the boy from when he was in school - Andy Davis, the nerdy neighbor kid that he mostly ignored (read: admired from afar).  Andy had seemed a bit disoriented as he handed the trash to him, but the teenage awkwardness had instantly endeared him to Sid.  Within a few months, Andy had Sid wrapped around his slender fingers, and Andy around Sid’s rough worker’s fingers.

Sure, the relationship had its share of . . . rough . . . patches.  Sid and Andy had varied musical taste (“What!? You’ve never heard of Black Sabbath?!” “What!? You’ve never heard of Phoenix?!”), varied movie taste (“You haven’t even lived until you’ve seen ‘The Thing’!” “You haven’t even lived until you’ve seen ‘The Notebook’!), and even varied taste (“Gummy bears? Kid.” “Double-decker extra bacon extra barbecue sauce hamburger? Fatty.”)

But through it all, they had founds things to agree to on.  Whether it be being kicked out of the mall for Sid cursing at a Cinnabon employee or being kicked out of the theatre for Andy cursing at the director for raping his favorite book, the two had some pretty beautiful moments were they felt they could honestly connect.

But unfortunately, education is one area where Andy and Sid would always be in a constant crossfire.

“Why do you work so hard on this math stuff, anyway?  You know, if you dropped out of school, I could get dad to help you get a job as a garbage man too . . .”

This would usually lead to Andy yelling at Sid about “getting a decent job” and “maybe if you read a book once in a while” which usually led to “fine, if you feel that way, I’m leaving” which then resulted in Andy’s hot ass sashaying out the door and out of his life for two or three days.

Truthfully, seeing Andy study scared Sid a little.  Sid knew Andy had been getting college invitations in the mail recently.  Worse yet, he had caught Andy looking at them and considering them!  To Sid, Andy going to college mostly translated to Andy going out of state, to an Ivory League or something where he could get the education he deserved.  He knew a degree at Harvard would help Andy become an animator as he had always hoped.  Though he sincerely wanted Andy to become everything he could be, he also wanted to be near Andy, but being a garbage man wasn’t exactly the most travel oriented job ever.

Even now, Andy in his arms and the afterglow of sex hanging in the air and muddling his train of thought, he couldn’t help but be worried.

“Mmm . . . Sid?” Andy said contentedly, tracing swirls on Sid’s broad chest with his finger.

“Yeah, hun?”

“I got a letter from the college near here.  Did you know that place was where that guy who made that famous animation studio studied at?  Anyway, the art professor there loved the work my art teacher sent him!  He especially liked my Woody and Buzz sketches!  Isn’t that great?”

Sid turned to look at him. “But Andy,” he started, sitting up, “Wouldn’t you want to go to like Harvard or something?  You know, you have the grades for it.”

Andy blinked and stared at Sid in confusion for a second.  Then, he broke out into a broad grin.  “I guess I could, but the college here is famous for its art program!  I hear a lot of the people that graduate there end up at an animation studio making cartoons!”  Andy sat up next to Sid and laid his head on Sid’s shoulder. “Besides, if I wasn’t here, who would tell you when you needed to lay off the Carl’s Jr.?”

Sid looked shocked at Andy for a moment, but quickly pulled himself back together as always.

“I guess you need me too, huh?  I mean, someone has to pay for all those gummy bears.  What would your mom say if she knew her cute little Andy had such a bad sweet tooth and his garbage man boyfriend was supplying him with gummy bears?”

Andy smiled and punched Sid in the shoulder.



sid, andy/sid, andy, sid/andy, yaoi, toy story 3, slash

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