So I'll be brief. I've gone into a bit of Internet hibernation the last week or so. Work is busy, outside work is busy, sleep continues to be a requirement... Just not enough time in the day.
1. Saw Rufus Wainwright Friday night. It was amazing. See
Laura's run-down if you want the skinny. Short version: We love Rufus. He rocks our world.
2. LOTR won Best Ensemble Cast at the SAGs, and Billy wore his kilt. And was clearly asked the question.
What does a Scot wear under his kilt?.
3. I could spend two full days at a laundromat and still not get all my non-crisis laundry done. And the non-crisis laundry is fast becoming a crisis. Laura had to use hand towels to dry off because apparently I do not have any extra towels anymore. Shame!!
4. I broke down and bought DVDs of the first season of MI-5/Spooks, and had not previously seen the second episode. May never eat french fries again. OMFG.