I want to take Rufus Wainwright and (in an unevil way) shrink him down so he'll fit in my coat pocket and I can carry him everywhere, and he would sing to me for all time and we would be best friends and I would shrink any boy he liked down to pocket-size too so he wouldn't be lonely and I would love him and pet him and call him My Darling Rufus and we would be so happy.
Okay, trying to come off Cloud Rufus Joy long enough to write something remotely coherent.
That man has the most amazing voice, and I am awed by his willingness to share so much of himself through his music. He made me cry three times tonight. And he's just so real. He forgets words in the middle of songs, he stops to go off on tangents. He fucks up and has to start over. In the third line of a new song he played, he just made this face and sang "oops, wrong chord!" and kept going. He managed to get through "Dinner at Eight" without crying this time, which he didn't in February. And through "Hallelujah" without mixing up the verses, which I've never seen him do... This I think was my favorite show of the three I've seen. It had the small venue perks from the February show, but the Just-Rufus Wonder of the June show at Ravinia. In February he had a full band and did a few numbers just on his own, but I think I prefer him solo. Though there are some of his songs that he doesn't seem to play without a big arrangement--"14th Street," which is one of my favorites. But we got a really great set tonight. I can't remember all of them, but "Beauty Mark" and "Millbrook" were there, which I love. Same with "California" and "Rebel Prince." He did "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" and "Poses" as his encores, but didn't do "Greek Song." Tomorrow I may need to go through my CDs and work out the full play list, just for my own sanity.
Want Two comes out November 16, and you can get a package that has the album and a DVD with his San Francisco show at the Fillmore. I'll be preordering that tomorrow.
Oh, and a brief note to the hu-freaking-mongous spider that just ran along the baseboard behind my CD shelf: I'm pretending you're not there, okay? Because I can't deal with the stress of hunting you down, catching and/or killing you, and throwing you mightily off the back porch. It's too much for me. So as of now, you don't exist. Do not pull a Shelob on me and strike from above when I think I'm safe.
La la! Rufus is coming to live in my pocket soon. All's well with the world. Oh! And I broke down and bought a t-shirt. It's tiny (one size! Grr) and red, and has "Pretty Things" on the front, and "Who cares if I like Pretty Things" on the back, which just applies to my entire fangirl existence, I think. It's my new favorite night shirt, as it's too small to be decent for someone as bosomy as I to wear in public.
La la! Rufus!