Wedding_wtf tag, still in heavy rotation!

Apr 20, 2010 18:52

Okay, so I am terrible. I've been home from the honeymoon for three days and I have barely touched my email, haven't responded to very kind good-wishes comments from before the wedding, haven't been able to even wrap my head around sorting through the 1,728 pictures our photographer handed us on CD the day after the event, and I haven't gotten ( Read more... )

travel, wedding wtf, pics, my fanboy husband

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Comments 54

ldyghst April 21 2010, 00:00:19 UTC
Congratulations! Everything looked gorgeous! :D


hiyacynth April 21 2010, 00:44:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm still kind of in disbelieving awe of how well it went (and looked)!


ldyghst April 21 2010, 00:45:53 UTC
Everything looked to elegant!!


yasmine32068 April 21 2010, 00:20:51 UTC
Congrates! You guys all look so happy... Or is that relief cause the wedding madness is over...


hiyacynth April 21 2010, 00:46:55 UTC
Thank you! I think by the time the photographer got there, it was about 70% happy, 30% relieved the end was in sight. But seriously, I feel as if I've shrugged off a giant shoulder yoke and lost about 20 pounds of anxiety (which, what? Anxiety totally has weight).


iamstealthyone April 21 2010, 00:21:05 UTC
You, my dear, are a stunning bride. What a gorgeous dress, and I love your hair, and and and ... beautiful all the way around. :)

Congrats again!


hiyacynth April 21 2010, 00:49:26 UTC
Aww, thank you! I felt really pretty. I still get surprised by pictures of the back of my head--I like it, but it looks like I've got cinnimon buns stuck all over me! It was terrifyingly solid, too. 58 hair pins, and so much hairspray and backcombing that it still kinda stayed up after I took the pins out!


iamstealthyone April 21 2010, 20:08:25 UTC
Cinnamon buns? LOL! You were rocking the Princess Leia look, then? ;)

And 58 hair pins? Wow. I can see why, after that and the hairspray, your hair stayed in place.


hiyacynth April 21 2010, 21:39:58 UTC
Yes, it was very much a modified Princess Leia 'do. :-)

I haven't seen any morning-after pics yet, but I hadn't washed it, just combed it out, and I have some serious body/volume left over!


saberivojo April 21 2010, 00:32:00 UTC
You look stunning and Marc looks handsome. This kindof made me cry!



hiyacynth April 21 2010, 00:50:29 UTC
N'awww, thanks from the both of us. We cleaned up nice :-)

(It kindof makes me cry sometimes too!)



july_july_july April 21 2010, 01:03:24 UTC
Everything looks so beautiful! The chuppah looks amazing. And the flowers/centerpieces were PERFECT. The poor Rabbi, though, he's going to be feeling guilt about that for a long long time.

Congratulations again!

PS: I don't know how you got your hair to do that, but it's amazing.


hiyacynth April 21 2010, 14:17:32 UTC
Thank you!

My mom really hit it out of the park with the chuppa. She's a needlework artist by profession, so it was kind of a natural thing to ask her to do, but I was just blown away by how beautifully it turned out, and how perfect it looked with the space and the flowers.

I think the rabbi would probably feel worse if he'd done it during vows or something--as it was, we were all very laid back about the flub. I was just glad Marc didn't make the mistake. I admit to having flashes of Ross' second wedding on Friends. :-)

The hair was a miracle worked by my regular stylist, whom I call Fabulous Steven. It took an hour and a half, somewhere around 60 bobby pins, half a can of hairspray, a curling iron, and a lot of backcombing. It was going NOWHERE, I tell you what. Considering how gross and fake it felt to the touch, I'm super pleased with how it looked!

Thanks again!


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