So. Hi there! I've been absent again, but this time I've been actually absent instead of just absent from LJ. Marc and I went on vacation on July 1 and just got back yesterday afternoon. We had an amazing trip during which many good things happened and many people I love were in the same spot and all got along and liked each other.
One specific event set the tone for the entire vacation, and that is that Marc proposed (and I said yes, not being a complete moron), and now we're all betrothed and stuff.
He was very sneaky and clever, and although-based on other conversations we'd had recently-I'd been thinking that the question might be asked in the next few months, the actual proposal was a complete surprise, as was the ring-in-a-box.
(LOLOMG, iPod commentator, you just shut your mouth playing "Gold Digger" right now. How gauche!)
We told my sister, niece and nephews the next day, when we caught up with them along the D-Day beaches, and they were all really happy. Antonin and Martin were particularly sweet. Antonin really likes Marc and is psyched to have a new uncle who jams along with A's drums and taught him how to play some AC/DC riffs on my ukulele. Called my mother once we got back to a phone that would call internationally, and she is happy as well. And last night we went to dinner at Marc's parents to tell them, and they were a little overwhelming in their excitement. Marc's sister is getting married in October, so it's going to be a crowded, busy few months, but they're happy to have the family expand.
Anyway, I realize that there's a ton of stuff to plan and huge changes coming for me, which will certainly bring mountains of stress and anxiety, but for the time being, I'm just plain happy, and it's great to have all that "What's going to happen next?" anxiety sort of lift away like a yoke coming off, because I can suddenly see that the answer is that what happens next is that we'll get married. Which, it turns out, is just what I want to happen.
I have some pictures that I'll post in the next week or so, as I'm able to resize and upload.
Other news, which feels almost as momentous: I finished (FINALLY!)
janglyjewels's Sweet Charity story! And it's been beta'd! So now it just needs a couple days/evenings of tinkering to simple down my natural wordiness, and then… off to the long-enduring and ever-patient
janglyjewels for approval, and then posting!
Okay. Must work. Just caught up with my third pass at my post-vacation inbox (the pass where you actually start doing stuff with it all), and now one of my authors has sent me her entire book. Which means that I have two entire books waiting for me to review, which means that I am behind again already.
Love to you all!