Update: by the numbers

Jan 13, 2009 14:27

Number of days spent freaking out about weird girly symptoms that led me to various conflicting and freaksome possible conclusions: 5
Number of freaksome possibilities I came up with: 3
Number of those freaksome conclusions that are actually true upon examination by my doctor: 0

Number of other freaky medical tests run on loved one: 2
Number of freaky results found in above tests that don't actually mean imminent illness but are still freaky: 1

Number of Sweet Charity recipients who are made entirely of awesome with nuclei of patience: 1 (that would be janglyjewels)
Progress made on Sweet Charity story before above weird girly symptoms derailed me with their freaksomeness: improved
Number of evenings this week planned to be dedicated to Sweet Charity writing: 3, assuming I can settle down again after Show returns to my living room Thursday night

Number of chords I can play on my ukulele: 9 (C, C7, G, G7, D, Ddim7, F, A, Am)
Number of songs I can play* on my ukulele using the above chords: 14 (The Midnight Special, Walkin' after Midnight, Look at Miss Ohio, Ring of Fire, Bad Moon Rising, King of the Road, The Big Rock Candy Mountains, Sloop John B, Jamaica Farewell, Can't Get It Right Today, Ooh La La, Anyone Else But You, Cecelia, Shortnin' Bread)
Number of songs Marc can play on my ukulele: All of them. In the whole world, without even looking at tabs or anything. *glares*
Number of evenings my ukulele is spending in the closet this week, so I can focus on trying to write: at least 3.

Days since Show has been on: 4 gabillion
Days until Show is on: 2.5!

*For the purposes of this discussion, "play" means I can simultaneously sing the lyrics, play the chords, and strum a rhythm, creating a recognizable facsimile of a song. It doesn't mean I can do this without various combinations of the following (this list not conclusive): abrupt pauses, jerky or slurred transitions, erratic and/or unrecognizable strumming/rhythm, exclamations along the lines of "Wait, crap!" "Really?" and "That can't be right."

random lists, in which i am a goober, cool hand uke, health

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