The maternal units have departed. My house is my own again.
Just me and the kittehs feels really really good. Am now catching up on LJ and calming myself with epic war movies.
Two things I've learned this weekend.
Thing One: If you're gonna write boys' names on your underwear, you should wear them "plain" first, THEN write on them. Because
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I love my BoB DVDs, thank you very much. I had borrowed a friends DVDs back in April or so, after seeing the first two on The History Channel, so I've been through all the special features once. Am looking forward to watching them again, though, esp. the video diary. As I mentioned, I spent late nights Friday and Saturday, and most of yesterday, watching my very own DVDs. I've discovered the beauty of my laptop's DVD player. So hi-res. My TV sucks. So now I can actually see who all the guys in the background of any scene are. I'm inappropriately intensely interested in watching the video diary again now that I know who's who.
You must stop apologizing for your iconability. They're beautiful. I tried to make a couple yesterday, but no luck. I had an idea for an animated one (which I don't know how to make) and cropped a bunch of stuff, but the resolution on them is really bad. I'll give it another go next weekend and see what happens.
How I do run on...
Ahem. But then I realised, I must have told you right. Right?! My memory is so bad. But Wild Bill underwear - yeah!!!. Wild Bill. Wild Bill Guarnere. Gonorrhea.
Wild Bill Gonorrhea....
There's no way I'm writing that on my knickers! Hahahahhahaha!
Be afraid. Be very afraid. My underwear powers are focused on you...
No, you're right, you did describe your new knickers to me. And for the record, I think you're right about leaving the "Gonorrhea" part off. Anther slogan to avoid: "Pissing Needles."
I love your icon, btw. This is just one of my favorite Roe moments. Even before they start the real fighting, he's like, "Do not kill my boys. Do not even pretend to kill my boys. I will take you down."
I'm so obsessed. I made a huge list of icons I want to make yesterday. I tried to make some, but I can't make the crop quality match the original. How do you do it? I think the key is what lamadeleine pointed out yesterday: Don't use crap programs, and try to learn how to use them. Lol.
Hmm, on the icon making front, I'm not sure. I think it's different because I use photoshop. Maybe it's to do with those magical strange creatures called 'pixels'? I haven't really fathomed them yet. Good luck with it though!
Oh, and the 'Pissing Needles' pants are on the verge of being green-lighted. I may not have the courage to do it until I'm at university though. lol.
You've also managed to capture one of my favorite Webster moments. Shot all to hell, and he's upset to have blurted cliches.
Go Pissing Needles pants! I myself have decided that to accomodate all the hot men I love, I will now be writing names/slogans on all NEW underwear purchased. Some incentive to get rid of some of the desperation underwear that should have been thrown out years ago.
I see I've said too much... Again.
No, you can never say to much when it's me you're talking too - because you know I'd say the same and more without realising I was over the line of decency! Yes, I too have a whole draw full of underwear that should never see the light of day, let alone be worn. Well, it's only me that ever sees them, sad as that sounds. lol.
See? There's the line, and I've gone beyond. I'm so far away, the line is a dot to me.
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