holy crap, I finally finished a story

Apr 28, 2008 01:01

Son of a gun, I forgot how complex a process posting fic is. I'm always terrified I'm going to break some comm's rules and get kicked out, for starters. Plus, this one was sort of genre/comm-defying. I just went simple rather than spamming the entire world and risk pissing off the folk at the gen and het comms--the story could be classified as either/both. I'm sure it will get listed in the newsletter as het, which is fine. I just hope people who like gen will take the risk of reading it, too. It's not very naughty, but does feature Sam/Jess.

I'm all over the place here--very very sleepy and punchy. Mainly I wanted to go "Whhooo-yeah! I finished a story for the first time in, like, five months!" November 3 was the last time I posted anything. Many thanks to shakespearebint whose story it is--she bought me in January's Sweet Charity auction--for actually getting me out of the rut of WIP despair I was caught in this fall. I feel certain I will revisit that rut soon, but it was nice to take a break. And, honestly, the first half of this story happened ridiculously fast given the amount of time I had to write--like three weeks?--and then the second half took two months.

Right. I was going to go to bed. I was just muttering to kimonkey7 about staying home tomorrow to work on my final paper, but I just realized I can't because all the stuff I sent out to my authors last week is supposed to come back to me. I guess if they don't pony up, I can work on my paper at work.

Oh, speaking of... for my reaction to 3x13, please refer to kimonkey7's post on the subject. Yes, I laughed my ass off for most of it and love it for many reasons, but what stuck with me was the exact same bad taste she wrote about on Friday.

supernatural, writing, blah blitty blah

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