Birthday! Dragon Rocks!

Mar 13, 2008 07:10

I believe that it technically still pdragons birthday, even on the other side of the planet... Even if it isn't, and I am yet again late for the birthday-wish party:

Happy birthday, Dragons!

Okay, I have to laugh, because I just spent a minute or so testing out HTML code to try to fancy that line up a little, but apparently [red], [blink], [huge], and [scroll] are not actually HTML tags. However, I hit the jackpot with [marquee].

Hope you had a fantastic day and that the upcoming year is a happy, healthy, productive one, and that you keep writing fabulous fic for us.

In other, nonbirthday news:

* Scout has lost a pound and a quarter since November, has a bladder infection, and is throwing up her antibiotics. I now have to give her a quarter of a Pepcid AC tablet an hour before her medicine. Good news is that she didn't puke last night. I gave some Pepcid to Minou, too, just in case. She's looking fat and lethargic and is going in with Scout's pee recheck next week to make sure there's nothing going on with her.

* Work is going well. I love working down in the Loop. People are nice. I have plenty to do. I don't much like how many meetings I have to go to, and the association-wide practice of communicating almost entirely by Outlook meeting invitation, but I'll get used to it.

* Riding the train to work is awesome. Not only do get about a mile (round trip) of walking into every day, but I get a ton of reading done. In the last two weeks, in addition to my school reading, I've gone through The Book Thief and The Lovely Bones. Not all on the train--dating someone who considers reading a social act helps a lot, too.

* Things with Marc are nice. Trying not to let my paralyzing abandonment issues and consequent inability to express any need at all (you know, because if he finds out I have any needs or fears or whatever, he'll decide I'm too much trouble) mess me up too much.

* Still no IM at work, and not looking like there will be any. You have to have any new software installed by the tech guys, and I can't really ask them to hook me up with my fangirl friends so I can chat on work time. Also still no more than very brief LJ access. I can get to it, but everyone can see my screen. Ergo, my low profile recently. Sorry.

Okay. Must get dressed. Am bordering on late again.

birthdays, blah blitty blah

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