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Feb 10, 2008 18:15

Okay, couple of things. I'm gonna try to keep this positive. Last week was my week to wallow, and I honestly can't keep up the level of angst I'd hit without doing some serious damage. So. Positive outlook wherever possible.

First, hey! Happy birthday to my good friend and fantasti!beta, iamstealthyone! I'm following up on my decades-long tradition of coming in right under the wire with little other than my affection to offer you, but there you have it. You're marvelous! I hope you had a great day, and are at the start of the Best Year Evar.

Second, undying thanks and gratitude to liptonrm, who got in her car Friday afternoon and drove three+ hours down here so that I didn't have to spend the weekend alone with my emo. We did a fair amount of homework, watched three or so eps of SPN, wrote for nearly seven hours yesterday, and most importantly, just hung out in each other's company. It has made a world of difference in my attitude. Not to mention my Sweet Charity story, on which I made almost 4,000 words of progress during yesterday's session.

Third, if you haven't already, go see Juno. It's good for the soul.

Fourth, that job I was going after is about 98% sure to not happen. They got final approval on it from their group's business manager last Saturday afternoon, and Monday morning an EvilCorps-wide hiring freeze went into affect. If there wasn't an offer on the table, the jobs aren't being filled. Of course, because the job hadn't posted, they weren't able to make me an offer before the freeze went into affect. I am extraordinarily unhappy with the situation, especially considering the restructure that hit my current group about 10 days ago, which functionally demotes me to doing the work that entry-level editorial assistants traditionally do--except they've got me signed up to do the quantity of work that four or five of those EAs handle.

So. I've got my resume up on Monster, and will be adding it to CareerBuilder this week, and will be actively pursuing other employment. Last week I walked around alternating between rage, despair, depression, and a couple of other emotions that don't do me a lot of good. This week I'm going to do my best to just suck it up and deal. Do the work they throw me and work to find something else to do to pay my mortgage between now and when I finish grad school.

Fifth, thanks a ton to everyone who's been kind to me in the last little while. It's been a big help. To those friends (and you know who you are) at whom I puked emo bile in my general inability to deal with my own crap, I really, really apologize. Also, to those nice folk who said nice things about me on the feedback meme? Thank you! I'll try to respond this week, really. I'm just having some trouble staying on top of things.

Okay. I'm going to see if I can bang out another scene of this story. I think I can see the end from here, though it's probably a good 4K away. shakespearebint? I kinda love your prompt a lot. :-)

fangirls are love, writing, poor poor pitiful me, birthdays, evilcorps

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