Couple things... Fic related and "real" writing related

Sep 05, 2007 09:50

To anybody who might be watching this space for "Mockingbird" updates... I will probably be posting Chapter 10 early for a couple of reasons. Reason 1 is that I have it back from final beta and so it will be ready earlier than anticipated, and Reason 2, which is my main one, is that I'm leaving town Thursday afternoon for a wedding in BFCalifornia and will probably not have internet access again until Monday, and darn it, I want to be able to respond to whatever comments people are kind enough to leave me.

Anyway, point being: Last chapter will likely post before 5 p.m. Central Time, or if I can't hit that, after 9 p.m.

Ugh. Class starts tonight. "The Organization of Knowledge," which my mother calls "The Philosophy of Filing." I've gotta say, the required reading list is a bit daunting. And long. And filled with whole texts about the Dewey Decimal System. Which, okay, fine, I knew was coming when I signed up for freaking LIBRARY SCHOOL. But still. Oh well. Genny will be in the class, and I have a new-friend crush on her and her very adorable daughter, so that will help.

My "real" writing news is that the screenplay Debbie and I adapted from our novel has made the first cut of one of the contests we submitted it to. We didn't get anything at the Austin Film Festival, but the Filmmakers International Screenwriting Award has cut their initial batch of more than 1300 entries down by about two thirds, and we're on the list of first round qualifiers. And Cute Cafeteria Guy, who made the zombie librarian movie, has a friend at Lifetime/SciFi who said she was interested in reading it. So. Hope springs eternal. We've gotten really good at separating our egos and our own love and enjoyment of our story from outside recognition like, say, a publishing contract or film rights offer. But it doesn't suck to know someone read it and liked it.

Okay. I have to prep for this conference call and then get my shit together for the rest of this day, which is going to be a challenging one, I think. Too many things on my to-do list, not enough of them fandom- or NMRL-related.

grad school, novel_screenplay, mockingbird

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