Check out my productive self!

May 12, 2007 19:05

I have gotten a remarkable amount of stuff done today. Or, maybe it's not remarkable, it feels like a lot, especially if you count last night.

I went to the orientation thing for my grad school program, where in addition to getting oriented, I had a truly freaky psychic moment: A month or so ago I randomly dreamed a little snippet of a song from a musical--one part of a multi-person song--that went "She said her name was Sullivan! Peggy Sullivan!" I googled like mad to try to figure out where it came from--thought it might have been part of the answering machine song from Rent--but no joy. Concluded that my brain just made it up, melody and all. Last night, they were talking about the current dean, who gave mad props to the previous dean, whose name was Sullivan! Peggy Sullivan! I managed not to burst into song, but did not manage to keep from being freaked right out by my brain.

Then I came home and edited the scene I've been working on last week--the result of last week's Sam's Cock Tour of NYC. Still needs some work, but it's almost there. Then I watched the unspeakable event from Thursday about a hundred times and went to bed in tears.

Got up this morning and cleared out all the crap that's been accumulating in my living and dining rooms. As usual, it took all of 20 minutes, and if I'd just do it for five minutes a day, it wouldn't get to the pit-of-despair state. Whatever. My place is mostly tidy and swept. Watched the unspeakable event from Thursday another fifty times.

Then I discovered that the lovely star jasmine tree I bought a couple weeks ago got blown over by the wind. Its pot was all smashed, and its poor guts were all over my back porch. So when I went out to Dominican to buy my books (no joy--bookstore's Saturday hours don't apply during the mid-term break) and get groceries (food: achieved!), I bought it a new, bigger pot. Came home, tried to repot, discovered I didn't have enough soil, walked up to the store to buy more, continued to repot. Then I lovingly pulled off all the dead leaves and flowers so it can concentrate on getting over the trauma of its fall from my little table and misted the heck out of its leaves. Good plant vibes, everyone, please. I have crap luck with them.

Ate actual vegetables for lunch, and worked on the story for awhile, had three good cuddles with Minou in the sunroom, where I finally hung up that lovely bird painting I bought last summer. (Note: If you prop a wooden frame up behind a little glass globe in a room made almost entirely of windows, the globe thing will, in fact, act as a magnifying glass and BURN THE CRAP out of the frame behind it. Seriously, there are scorch marks, deep ones. I have moved all flammables beyond the reach of the creepy, fire-making globeything.) Worked more on the story--incorping beta. Will shift back to writing at the end of this chapter.

Tomorrow I plan to do more of the same, but with a laundry-folding/hanging focus to the housework.

And then all is madness. Between class and appointments and a few social outings, I have stuff going on every single weeknight and many weekends until the end of June. Yoinks.

Crap, you people. I'm so sorry for the utter mundanity of this post.

my lazy ass

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