The insecurity thing must be going around this week, because so many people I know are craving validation. Anybody surprised that I'm one of them?
So, come on, join the fun. Beg for praise from your friends! Then do the meme yourself, and your friends will praise you as well. Within days, we'll be buying the world a Coke and singing in perfect harmony.
Meme ganked from
likethesun2, who borrowed it from
We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious.
Not in a bad way, but in a 'Wow! I wish I had that person's hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.'
So tell me what about me makes you envy me. . . then post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you.
Two new acquaintences from work (they're married) decided their friend Bill and I would be a good match. Peter's been trying to pin me down for a date to meet Bill for about a month, and I finally gave up this week and allowed as how I could do Friday night. Nice time, nice guy. Sadly, the venue chosen (not by me) was TGIF, which I firmly believe is the Devil's Own Restaurant Chain. My theory was proved right last night, with the loudness, the constant singing of Happy Birthday, the hair in my pasta, and the bill being dropped off (and checked on every three minutes) before I had even finished eating. (This last became not a problem about a second after I discovered the hair.) So anyway. Nice guy. I felt like I talked way too much and way too loudly (hard to deal with the volume levels in Satan's Lair). I always start rambling when I get nervous, so I fear I may have been quite annoying. Guess we'll find out.
Had the most satisfying kitty cuddle with Minou a few minutes ago.
Okay. Almost three o'clock. Time to write.