Status report--holiday weekend

Nov 25, 2006 11:35

Not a whole lot meaningful to report here this morning, but I felt like posting anyway. Have been having a lovely week at home, very quiet as usual. Things of note:

* Friends Saw Holly and Andrea and their new baby, Collin, who is adorable and a huge, smiley flirt, and has that crazy baby smell that makes my ovaries twitch. Will see them again tomorrow afternoon. All is well with them and I love them all to bits. OH! And I had lunch with Nick, who's just as wise and smart and sexy and funny and dreamy as always. Also gives off just as strong a "friends only" vibe as ever. But as long as I know that, I'm good. No hopes to have dashed.

* Fandom Wrote like a madwoman on the flight out here and filled 22 pages of my little notebook with the next bit of the ridiculously long Supernatural story I'm working on. Typed it up the next morning to find that it was only about five pages typed (my handwriting is horrifying) and that it didn't really manage to advance the plot or reveal very much in the way of new information. I fear the first 20 pages of this thing are going to be pure info dump, but I can't see what to cut until I've got it down, you know? So I figure I'll just plod ahead and worry about tightening it up later. Meanwhile, I have come up wth at least one line I really, really like, maybe two. Also have been tinkering on my short piece, which I should be able to post next week. Winchester Paper Trail has taken a hit, but I'm hoping to fiddle some today.

Also, I was watching... Crap, what was it? "Skin," I think. Possibly "Hookman." Anyway, there's one of those shots into the trunk's lockbox, and there, to my glee, I spotted a military first-aid kit, all green and serious looking and labeled "AID KIT, JUNGLE" or something very similar. The "JUNGLE" part pleased me in all sorts of crazy ways.

* Family Mom is doing well, and we're getting along okay. We kicked the ass of Thanksgiving dinner, and I'm all inspired to go home and cook for various fangirls. I found the best soup recipe, y'all. You're gonna love it. We've been busy/quiet, as is our way. Lots of sitting around reading, broken up with errands, walks, and other stuff. Last night we went into the city to see Little Foxes, which was fun in a messed-up turn-of-the-last-century Southern family way. Performances were over the top, but overall it was quite good. Today we're going back into the city ot the DeYoung, then tomorrow out to St. Mary's for a Chagall exhibit.

* Random Ook Ran into Evil David the Third in the parking lot outside the store he used to own, where my mother and I worked (she much more recently than I) and had to do the huggy, kiss-on-the-cheeky, friendly thing, which was icky but not actually traumatizing.

I guess that's about it. Have a fun breakfast date on Monday morning, and dinner with H, A, and Shosh tomorrow night, then I fly back Monday night and crash into work Tuesday. BLECK.

Hope you're all well. Miss you!

travel, rl friends, family

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