Officially insane

Oct 04, 2006 00:09

So today, being Tuesday, was my day to visit my lovely therapist, Flo. We love her. On the drive over, I left my now-customary squeeful message for liptonrm in regards to whatever SPN moment flipped me out last night. The crux of this message turned out to be: "Now I need to go in there, after 10 days of Winchesters on the brain 24/7 and my family crap all over me, and find some way not to talk about Supernatural.

Flo: "So, how're you doing this week?"

Me: "Fine, better, blah blah blah. Fairly productive weekend blah blah."

Flo: "Sounds good. So, what do you want to talk about?"

Me: *brain* Don't say Winchesters. Don't say Winchesters. "Um... I've been thinking about family a lot recently, and blah blah blah. My sister's freaking out blah blah. Felt good to give her some advice that was good and has a chance of having a meaningful impact on her, long term blah blah blah. Counseling is good. Blah."

And then there's a half hour recap of why counseling is a good thing for me, and how I hope it will help my sister, and how it's weird to feel like the older sister there, because I have all this experience with stuff that she doesn't, and that's weird, and blah blah blah Family painbearer and caretaker blah blah blah.

Flo: "So we haven't really talked about this stuff in a while. Do you know what got you thinking about it?"

Me: *brain* Don't say Winchesters. Don't say Winchesters. "Um... I've been watching this TV show recently."

Flo: "What is it?"

Me: "Supernatural?" *brain* D'OH!! That's it, I'm outta here.

Yeah. So I'm now out to my therapist. Who, bless her, did not appear to be ready to commit me, but instead (and again) seemed to appreciate my ability/tendency to get emotionally involved with fictional characters and situations and use them as a source of creativity and self-examination. So, go fandom! Sekrit Pretend navel gazing is Flo-approved.


* What is up with the weather? It's nearly 1 a.m. on October 4, and it has to be 85 degrees out.

* Why am I not in bed? Or even sleepy? It's nearly 1 a.m., and I'm old and have a job and stuff.

* Had one of those teeth-brushing, face-washing moments when I look in the mirror and go "Wow, I have got to do something about my eyebrows."

* I do remember that other TV exists. I watched Studio 60 last night and was bored for most of it, but have been highly entertained by it in the previous two episodes so will stick around. However, apparently neither Runaway nor Standoff was very engaging for me, because I skipped them both this week; Standoff was also a casualty to SPN last week. But Battlestar Galactica premieres this week, which is for yay. And Lost, which I'm not very invested in these days--and haven't been since about six episodes in last season--but it's weird, because I really enjoy watching it, I just don't give it much thought after I turn off the TV.

* That thing I may or may not have said out loud about how work was going to start sucking hard soon, but I didn't know exactly when? I'm pretty sure it's gonna start next week. G/L manuscript is going in the mail to me Thursday, which means by Tuesday I'll have 17 chapters to prep and turn over, art grids, supplements, fact sheets, transmittal forms... Plus two synopses, a review questionnaire, commissioning reviewers, processing TB's chapters as they slowly drip in, and finishing up Byron's confirming proofs and supplements. Oh, and S-L is supposed to come in "sometime in October." Yay. AND they're making me go to Pittsburgh in November. Without the cute marketing coordinator. Which is probably for the best anyway, because the last thing I need right now is a pointless work crush (or, for that matter, any kind of a work crush), especially a work crush on a cute 25-year-old guy named Dean.

tv, supernatural, evilcorps, family

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