2006. *pretend kicks in door* Wha-gah!!

Jan 03, 2006 13:05

Belated cries of "Happy New Year!" to you all. I spent mine in a most pleasurable fashion--much fangirl madness with the baylorsr sisters, liptonrm and our darling ramalama. We managed to have a stupid amount of fun without either injuring anyone or bringing LJ to its knees, so I declare it an auspicious start to the year. Thanks to my fangirls for the lovely prezzies and for being generally wonderful. Also:
Dear Joss:
It's still not okay, you bastard.
Used to be love but now is not,
hiyacynth and liptonrm

Today in the spirit of the new year I had salad for lunch. There was an extreme amount of popcorn, gummybeings, chocolate, and pretzels consumed this weekend, and I was craving veggies. I also must go to the store and buy real food, as hiyacynth cannot subsist on Frosted Mini-Wheats alone. I'm not going to say anything official about how much I'm going to exercise this year because I'll just jinx myself, but it pretty much has to be more than I did last year. Which is not a hard hurdle to overcome.

Last night I got home to find the Hiyakittehs in a state of extreme agitation over the return-departure-return trick I played on them. They punished me while I dosed my worn-out self with Battlestar Galactica, courtesey of my crack dealer abyssinia4077.

Now I'm back and relatively slammed at work. Sure enough, those reviews I commissioned the hell out of in November and December are coming back in. And I have to turn over an IRCD next week and look, my first post of 2006 and I'm already duller than toast served cold and dry.

Argh. Dentist this afternoon. Just for a cleaning, but I'm still traumatized from last year. Wish me healthy gums!

fangirls are love, galactica

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