*sings* La la la!
timfromcali arrives tonight!! All my laundry is done, cake is baked, awaiting decoration, super sekrit rilly late birthday present is almost complete. And oh yeah I still kind of have a bit of housework ahead of me. But I don't care because Tim!
Other random notes. Last night while I was listening to the kids I babysit eat their pizza (honest to god, loudest, grossest eaters ever), we somehow ended up in a conversation about donating one's body to science, and which bits one might donate while still alive.
I could only come up with a kidney and a lung. That led to discussion of which body parts you could sell, and where. And then of what other uses a dead body can have--organ transplants, etc. (Turns out they'd been to that exhibit that just left Chicago--I'm blanking on the name--but it's preserved cadavers doing various things with very little skin on) And then they got on a tangent about what parts couldn't be transplanted like brains and eyes, and I told them that a) even if you can't transplant a brain, you can study it, and b) you can donate eyes (my dad's major organs were over the age limit for transplant, but his corneas are currently in use in two different people somewhere in California) and then they were talking about eyes floating in jars and I really abruptly hit the edge of my comfort zone and made them change the subject. Interesting.
I'm horrified to report that not only did The O.C. make me cry last night, it was Julie Cooper who pushed me over the edge. Julie. Cooper. The 1.4 of you who watch this show will understand why I am distressed by this.
Right. Work. Lots to do and fun errands to run. Plenty to keep me busy for 14 or so hours.