Here's how tuned out I am to the world at large. I'd heard buzzing about Katrina toward the end of the week, but I spent the weekend in a total media blackout and only realized late last night that it is poised to wipe out most of the gulf coast. So, good thoughts to everyone who is in the storm's way, and to all the cities and communities that will surely be radically different this time Wednesday.
Media blackout was caused by my various obsessions. Have been working away on my DiH fic and another BoB fandom project. Both are taking lots of time, freeze-framing through episodes, etc. I'm still only through "Day of Days." Ugh. But last night I did finish typing up the first draft I wrote on the plane last week, which is a big chunk of stuff. And, as I mentioned earlier, it sucks. But thanks to a lot of vigorous poking at it with AIM sticks, I can see how it will be built in its next draft, and am willing to entertain the idea that it might not always suck. I have lots of little notes in it saying "concept is good, but tweak so it actually says what you want it to say" and the like. Today I got sucked into an evil 2-hour meeting and spent much of that time building the new structure for it, so I think I'm in okay shape.
Of course, when I'm going to actually work on it this week is another question. We'll see how that goes.
Okay. Must find some food as have not yet eaten today, and then must dive into checking through the accuracy check of another of these annoying chapters. 27 pages. Not good.
abyssynia4077, now can I use my Monday icon? :-)