Dec 19, 2004 18:22
i figured id update since i havent done that. tonight we have the xmas party at work. im bringing my mommy this way i can leave wheneevr i want. ill prolly leave the latest by 10:00. last night was marys "party". her friends dom, andrew, Matt (bf), ally, (her sis)-Madeline, and me watched movies and ate pizza. arohnd 7:30 me ,her and dom went to get the pizza. it was good. then we watched paycheck. that movie seemed a little boring. i can tlel u i wouldnt buy it. i would buy i'robot first. i,robot was good i saw it in theaters, but i fell asleep in the middle of the movie bc the night before we had danielle's all nighter so i dont really remember the middle. well now i gotta get ready for the xmas party ttyl