Nov 25, 2003 01:17
Have you ever noticed how when you are single, you notice everyone is dating but you? Seriously, i'm behind the counter at Starbucks (where i work if you don't know) and everytime a woman comes up, i notice the ring before her hair color. it's starting to freak me out.
Not only that, but I constantly get the feeling that all the happy little couples are rubbing it in my face that I can't get a girlfriend to save my life. it's like they are all out to get me or something.
actually, my worst fear right now is for the summer... I'm currently living at my best friend, Mandy's house. now, during the summer, her boyfriend will be here as well. it's bad enough when he's here for breaks in school, cuz they make out in front of me all the time. okay, maybe not all out makeout sessions, but bad enough. if i get the feeling of running to the crapper now, what will it be like when he's here for 3 months??? i'm kinda scared to even think about it.
So now i'm left wondering, if relationships make me this sick now, why in gods name do i want to be in one more than anything?