fic and other things

Aug 18, 2011 22:13

Hello flisterifics! Hope you're all well. Tell me what is happening in your life. A lot has happened since I last updated, most of them exciting and awesome.

+ First things first; everyone go and read this great Lost Girl Bo/Lauren fic: Meminerunt Omnia Amantes by thrace_ because it is awesome (can you tell that this post contains a lot of awesome things) and she wrote it for ME (here I have a twirly little fangirl dance while clutching the fic to my chest) as part of femslash11 and I just love it so. Read it and then hug her.

+ You won't be able to tell but this is the first post I am typing on my NEW AND SHINY 13" MACBOOK PRO! It's all new! and shiny! and it's such a change from my netbook. The screen is bigger! and brighter! and everything goes faster! and there are true full-screen options for most apps. This I love. Also, it has a CD/DVD drive which means I can watch DVDs on it such as season one of Fringe which I bought for $30! Exciting! Exclamation mark!

+ Boston Breakers lost their WPS playoff game against magicJack. Can't grudge, they were on FIRE (seriously, never paid that much attention to Sarah Huffman before) and Boston kind of just fell apart like crumbly paper with lots of holes in it. Sigh. Every year we scrape through to the playoffs and every year we bum out of it.

Rooting for my Kiwi connection team now, the one and only WESTERN NEW YORK FLASH, yay Ali Riley.

+ Not sure if you all know if I have a Tumblr, but anyway, I do; it's here.
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