You guys, you guys, the preview for the next episode (SEASON FINALE?!) of Warehouse 13!
Except I couldn't really watch it properly because the internet here is just masquerading as a connection, but anyway. H.G. at the geyser with a trident/pitchfork thing!
I have so many questions. Amongst which: where in the world (haha) does H.G. get her delectable wardrobe? Is it also known as Myka's closet? Why does this show only get 12 episodes per season? Will my Season 1 DVDs ever arrive from America?
I can't remember the last time I loved a show this much. Just going to wait for it to break my heart any time now.
It just kicked in last night that I have about five weeks of direct learning left of uni - EVER. That is a scary thought. Apparently I'm growing up and moving into the next phase of my life! And yet I still feel like a 18 year old, and look like one too. I have this feeling people aren't going to take me very seriously even after I register because I look so young... Last week at work, this lady came to the counter and was all up in my face because she thought I was just a teenager working part-time at a pharmacy (when in fact I am a young adult working part-time at a pharmacy). Sure, she was probably being bitchy because of her $#*%@!-up eye BUT STILL. No need to be all "Are you the chemist?" about it. Showing her age by saying "chemist" in the first place, haha.
First draft of dissertation is due on Monday and I feel like we're on a boat (lol) with holes appearing all over the hull :(
Last but not least, Ali Riley
won the WPS Rookie of the Year award! NEW ZEALANDDDD~