Let's put a smile on that face!

Jul 20, 2008 16:18

Congratulations Christopher Nolan for making an M rated movie that plays out like it should be rated MA; and MA it should be .

SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! Maybe

Read at your own risk

I mean no disrespect in the above statement, in fact I suppose you could take it more as a complement about the level of tension, dread, menace, and in ways the terror that this film inspires in its audience. I am not exaggerating, I wish I was. This film is brilliant in its depiction of a corrupt, filthy city that is crying out for help with people reaching out for one last ray of hope and the one man who wants to take it all away from them just for kicks.

I guess the brilliance of it all was I wasn't really taken in by Batman Begins, but this was just a totally different beast. But what can I say about this movie? I'm just a simple movie watcher, I'm not all that intelligent either.

Anyway, my opinion continues:

This movie was a mature, realistic, traumatising, gruesome, complex, intelligent and moving film that was more about what is necissarily sacrificed in order to truly change things for the better and to give people the hope they've been longing for a legitimate crime drama than it was a comic book movie.

Heath Ledger was amazing. But then again, everyone knows that.

And it wasn't just The Joker that was amazing...

It was the Harvey Dent story that moved through the entire film, with The Joker just being the "Agent of chaos" that helped things take shape.

Harvey Dent is Gotham City's White Night, Batman looks to be retiring from his position so he can carry out his own life, The Joker just wants to "watch the world burn" as Alfred put it.

Harvey Dent is a ray of hope that is almost lost to Gotham City.

Batman does what he must to preserve this hope or else the Joker will have won.

The Joker is an agent of chaos, spontaneous, deadly, and funny.

In more detail, Harvey dent, Gotham City's DA, who is capable of putting half of Gotham city's criminals behind bars in a single day. He is the new ray of hope the festering city was looking for, and Bruce Wayne sees that in him and is looking to turn Gotham City's protection over to him so he can finally move on with his own life.

Enter The Joker, a psychopathic murderous clown intent on bringing unbalance to the city and corrupting all hope Gotham has of ever having a bright future.

Batman, already hated by some of the public is being pushed to the limits of his endurance as The Joker undermines his image as protector of Gotham City, all while trying to corrupt Dent.

So, Bruce must sacrifice his life and his image for the sake of Gotham City, and so that The Joker may not win his twisted game.

The movie is brilliantly complex, weaving together Dent as the White night and Batman as The Dark Knight as they struggle to maintain control as The Joker rains chaos down on both of them. The movie works on a more psychological level, leaving you on the edge of your seat for the duration of the movie. As some have said, it is like the movie is in a constant state of climax. It remains tense through out, and has some moments that will make you jump, or will chill and disturbe you. There is no blood as the movie needed to have none in order to secure the PG-13 rating it was aiming for, but this movie more than makes up for it in the depravity of the acts shown on screen, and the constant ramping up of tension, through to a wonderfully handled final act. The movie will have you guessing, and will shock you with a few surprises, if it doesn't shock you with its Much more mature, violent, and terrifying mood than Batman Begins first.

Without Heath to move things along, The Dark Knight would have been a good and compelling movie. With Heath, this movie has proved to be an unforgetable experience that will leave you shaken and traumatised, while feeling a deep sense of loss in the passing of such an amazing actor.

While being primarily a psychologically challanging and character driven piece, it is still a visually stunning movie filled with impressive and sometimes beautifully crafted action sequences.

The Dark Knight certainly does deliver on the hype (and in my opinion, exceeds expectations). If I get the chance to, I will definitely watch this movie a second time. I don't think a movie's ever made me feel this way before. It's a movie that demands the audience think about what they have just been shown, and the more you think about it, the more you fall in love with its brilliance.

If I had any complaints about the movie, it would be more about my reaction to the movie, in that I managed to find some parts humerous, and yes some parts were humorous, it's just that there was an underlying sense of humour the film had in all its moments of madness and extreme cruelty that made it almost sickening to laugh at, yet irresistible to laugh at. But that was just me. Others seemed to have no trouble laughing at it.

Also, this film took me completely by surprise and is by no means safe for children The acts of violence, though bloodless are extremely intense, from the film's opening moment to it's conclusion. The Joker is a very disturbing character, and the situations he puts people in are nothing short of excruciatingly painful to watch in terms of how very tense they are and how real the sense of threat feels in this movie.

There really need to be more movies like this

mind blowing, the dark knight, awesome, review

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