So here I am sitting in the ruins of a small town guarding a bridge to my good marks. I'm really meant to be rescuing a Private Study, but he's busy doing other things, i.e. procrastination. So here we wait, in the otherwise nerve wrecking silence. I listen to a record of my favorite tunes. Waiting and waiting, the end drawing ever closer. What now? I don't know but the suspense is killing me.
Eventually the ground starts to rumble, what's that I hear? Oh dear it's the enemy forces heading our way determined to cross the bridge I am holding, undermining the security of my good marks. These enemies? 3 exams and a 50% essay, lumbering my way through the debris of second year second semester.
Will I be able to hold the bridge long enough for reinforcements (3 month break)? Only time will tell, or if you're a bastard and have picked up what I've done here, the reinforcements make it in time to save Private study but I perish in the assault D:
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (11:17:03 PM)
you go to the formal?
K i n g says: (11:19:21 PM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (11:21:07 PM)
year 12
K i n g says: (11:21:28 PM)
sure i did
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (11:21:39 PM)
how much did you end up spending?
K i n g says: (11:29:17 PM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (11:29:24 PM)
K i n g says: (11:55:27 PM)
K i n g says: (11:55:27 PM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (11:55:43 PM)
just wondering
K i n g says: (12:02:43 AM)
lol, 2 years down the track and now u wonder
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:23:32 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:23:40 AM)
wondering how many people went to the formal
K i n g says: (12:28:13 AM)
most people did
K i n g says: (12:28:25 AM)
i can only name darren as someone else who didn't
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:28:32 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:28:38 AM)
was it fun?
K i n g says: (12:29:23 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:29:36 AM)
what you guys do?
K i n g says: (12:30:14 AM)
stuff..haha dont worry about it
K i n g says: (12:30:18 AM)
its too late anyway
K i n g says: (12:30:28 AM)
if i told you how much i thought it was worth going to
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:30:42 AM)
no, really tell me
K i n g says: (12:32:43 AM)
eat, tlk, photos
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:32:54 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:32:58 AM)
fuck that sounds boring
K i n g says: (12:34:52 AM)'re a idiot sometimes
K i n g says: (12:34:55 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:35:06 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:35:12 AM)
because I think that's boring?
K i n g says: (12:35:35 AM)
well if you're with people you like
K i n g says: (12:35:37 AM)
then eating
K i n g says: (12:35:39 AM)
and talking
K i n g says: (12:35:45 AM)
and taking photos with them
K i n g says: (12:35:52 AM)
isn't boring is it?
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:15 AM)
yes it is
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:19 AM)
I'd rather be gaming with them
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:32 AM)
and eating Indian food
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:46 AM)
which is what I did instead
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:48 AM)
K i n g says: (12:36:50 AM)
that's just being narrow minded
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:36:52 AM)
in India
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:37:20 AM)
why is it being narrow minded?
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:37:29 AM)
it's not like I didn't try it before
K i n g says: (12:39:41 AM)
u didnt likeit tho
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:39:50 AM)
nup, didn't like it
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:39:52 AM)
food was crap
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:39:55 AM)
people were crap
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:39:58 AM)
price was crap
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:01 AM)
music was crap
K i n g says: (12:40:12 AM)
haha..see that's being narrow minded
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:15 AM)
K i n g says: (12:40:15 AM)
enjoying so little things
K i n g says: (12:40:20 AM)
and keep in mind
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:20 AM)
K i n g says: (12:40:26 AM)
whn i said that
K i n g says: (12:40:32 AM)
eating talking and taking photos was fun
K i n g says: (12:40:35 AM)
i also added
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:35 AM)
being conned into going with the promise of food that wasn't to be served?
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:39 AM)
K i n g says: (12:40:41 AM)
that its fun with people you like
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:43 AM)
with people you liked and stuff
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:53 AM)
that necessitates people I liked
K i n g says: (12:40:54 AM)
so yes, i dont dispute that peopleis most important factor
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:40:55 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:09 AM)
so what makes you think I'd have liked hte Ruse formal?
K i n g says: (12:41:19 AM)
lol, stop trying to prove a point to me
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:23 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:25 AM)
come on
K i n g says: (12:41:27 AM)
if you dont like ruse
K i n g says: (12:41:30 AM)
K i n g says: (12:41:33 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:34 AM)
I'm all for fooling around with people
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:35 AM)
but like
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:37 AM)
not in a suit
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:44 AM)
not in a room or a boat or whatever
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:41:53 AM)
and not with crap music and crap food
K i n g says: (12:45:02 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:45:20 AM)
lke, a day out in the City or something
K i n g says: (12:45:45 AM)
as in day out in ct is fun or crap
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:46:01 AM)
as in a day out in ct is more fun that formal
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:46:44 AM)
cause I'm not in a fucking suit, nor am I in a room with shit much, I can choose who I am with, I can take pictures of things other than people, and it doesn't cost like 50 bazillion dollars
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:46:56 AM)
so I'm not feeling guilty about spending so much money
K i n g says: (12:47:35 AM)
why are u still trying to justify this
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:47:42 AM)
I was just about to finish
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:47:44 AM)
up there
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:47:47 AM)
my dinner's cold
K i n g says: (12:47:59 AM)
dinner now???
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:48:04 AM)
no, dinner still
In summary:
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:53:44 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:54:26 AM)
I'm narrow minded for not wanting to sit at a table for 3 hours eating crap food after spending hundreds of dollars on one night...
:: z0mg club [#1]... will have a wall-painting party to celebrate the opening of her 'design studio' the end of the month... says: (12:54:45 AM)
:: z0mg club [#1]... will have a wall-painting party to celebrate the opening of her 'design studio' the end of the month... says: (12:54:57 AM)
im sorry but your friend needs a good whack in da hed
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:54:59 AM)
sometimes I wish this was still the stone age
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (12:55:24 AM)
that way I'd have been out competed by all the conforming fuckheads and I'd be dead while they'd continue being annoying pricks
:: z0mg club [#1]... will have a wall-painting party to celebrate the opening of her 'design studio' the end of the month... says: (12:55:32 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (1:01:02 AM)
argh, i really don't like people *eye twitch*
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (1:01:16 AM)
they're manageable in small groups
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (1:01:29 AM)
anything larger than 10 is too much
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (1:01:33 AM)
it;s like critical mass
:: z0mg club [#1]... will have a wall-painting party to celebrate the opening of her 'design studio' the end of the month... says: (1:02:05 AM)
in psyc 2101 war was beginning says: (1:03:06 AM)