First of all, Dad's worried about me being skinny and, like he did in the past some years ago, mentioned that my chest looks concave. =/
I have a sore throat WOOH!
I watched Sunshine 4 times in 2 days. twice a day I think. Or was it one and a half times on Friday and the rest on Saturday? I think it was the latter. People think I'm insane. I think I'm bored and swimming in a sea of existential angst. We'll all end one day, which is blatantly obvious *GASP OMG NO WAI!* There was some philosophical argument against the "nothing is enduring" argument that I am using, but I forgot it. If anyone is willing to remind me without flaming my skinny curry ass, go ahead.
I want a stress ball in the shape of the world because I lost mine when we moved. I need it now more than evar. MOAR STRESS BALL!
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (8:42:42 PM)
shaun says: (8:42:53 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:24 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:30 PM)
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (8:58:33 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:36 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:38 PM)
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (8:58:41 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:43 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:46 PM)
that's awesome
shaun says: (8:58:53 PM)
shaun says: (8:58:57 PM)
that's it!
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (8:59:03 PM)
shaun says: (8:59:30 PM)
Dr. Generix is secretly after the Coffee of LIFE while being overtly after the TEA OF DEATH
shaun says: (8:59:40 PM)
so that he can have a monopoly on Coffee of Life
shaun says: (8:59:51 PM)
while poisoning people with tea of death
shaun says: (8:59:52 PM)
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (8:59:58 PM)
shaun says: (8:59:59 PM)
and muffins fit into it somehow
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (9:01:20 PM)
Evil muffins?
shaun says: (9:01:23 PM)
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (9:01:27 PM)
At hotmail dot com?
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (9:01:29 PM)
shaun says: (9:01:42 PM)
when coffee of life accidentally gets poured on some muffins
shaun says: (9:01:44 PM)
they come to life
shaun says: (9:01:48 PM)
and become EVIL
маттѕтея - At Wollongong says: (9:01:58 PM)
shaun says: (9:02:00 PM)
And if you're lucky you can look into the face of the sun and talk to God and bring about the destruction of the HUMAN RACE OF DOOM. Well, all life on EARTH!
And now randomly, I Cannot Spell oOooooooOooOoooo D=
There's an itching inside my head that I can't scratch cause it's on the inside. >< Fucking itch.
there is no mood icon for existential angst.