May 08, 2006 13:16
1) Are you a chick or a dude?
2) What's your lucky number?
I don't have one
3) Do you pray?
4) Ever wish on stars?
Falling stars
5) Do you believe in karma?
6) What's your zodiac sign?
7) Have you ever almost died?
8) Have you ever had your heart broken?
Oh god, yes.
9) Do you cry during sad movies?
I cry at the THOUGHT of sad movies...
10) Do you like to dance?
Yes! Especially if I'm fucked up!
11) Do you like to watch movies?
Sometimes... I have to be in the mood for it, though. I get bored of them easily.
12) Ever sat on a rooftop?
No, but it's on my list of things to do this summer!
13) Is there a such thing as a soul mate?
I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure!
14) Could you live without the television?
15) Could you live without music?
NOOOOO!!! I would kill myself.
16) Do you have any self-inflicted scars?
17) What do you dislike about life right now?
I don't/can't have the one person I want.
18) Have you ever been to jail?
19) Ever had a job for less than a day?
Hahahahaha, no, but that would be funny!
20) Ever been fired on your off day?
No, but Hy-Vee called me on an off day once and left a really mean message on my answering machine, even though I had requested the day off months in advance!
21) Ever been fired because of your attitude?
I've never been fired.
22) Do you get jealous of other people?
Sometimes, but not often.
23) Would you rather love someone or be loved?
It's very important to have both. If you give love and don't get any back, it hurts really bad... so there's got to be a balance.
24) What's under your bed right now?
25) Have you ever done anything illegal?
26) Have you ever been dumped?
28) How cool are you?
I'm the coolest.
29) Do you support abortion?
That's a poorly worded question... I don't "support" abortion, I don't like it, but it should definitely be legal and available for those who require it.
31) Did you graduate high school?
Of course!
32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row?
Only if I didn't make it home the night before, then I try to shower and change clothes as soon as the opportunity arises!
33) Have you ever drove someone crazy?
It should be "have you ever DRIVEN someone crazy," but, um, yeah, probably... who hasn't?
34) Ever bullied someone?
Hahaha, yes, and I'm not proud of it... I was, like, 11.
35) Ever done the Macarena?
36) Do you act your age?
37) Is it okay to disrespect your parent?
In certain situations, I think it's necessary
38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done?
Always, unless I'm drinking by myself late at night, then my mom wakes up because I pee and flush the toilet a million times, so I flush it after every third time I pee... hahahaha!
39) How long do you stay in the shower?
It depends on what I need to shave... hahahaha!
40) What kind of soap do you use?
Bath & Body Works.
41) Are mullets cool?
Uncle Jesse had a kick ass mullet...
42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?
43) Do you like your middle name?
I guess, it's entirely too common, though... "Marie"
44) Has anyone ever cheated on you?
I hope not, and I don't really want to know if I have!
45) Ever cheated on someone?
Yes... and I'm NOT proud of it, because I ended up with NOBODY in the end...
46) What's your favorite animal?
47) Favorite color?
48) Have you ever shaved your head?
Hahahahaha, no!
49) For medical use, should weed be legal?
I think weed should be legal for ALL use!!
50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive?
It depends, but, generally... no, it's not okay.
51) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first?
A shit-ton of drugs!
52) Do you fear terrorism?
53) Ever been in love?
Ugh, yes.
54) What's your favorite candle scent?
I really like coffee scented candles, I guess...
55) Do you use profanity?
Fuck yeah.
56) Who are the last people you talked to on MSN or AIM?
I don't remember!
57) What's something you're ashamed of?
Cheating on Chris and not telling him... Probably one of my worst mistakes...
58) What woke you up last night?
Hahahahaha, nothing would have been able to wake ME up last night!
59) What did you dream about last night?
I don't remember
60) Have you ever smoked weed?
Haaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... hahaha... ha..ha
61) How many beers did you have today?
None... YET.
62) What's the last movie watched?
Outside Providence
63) Are you usually late or on time?
On time
64) What's a cartoon you watch often?
Family Guy
65) Do you have any imaginary friends?
ALL of my friends are imaginary... hahahaha...
66) Are you waiting on something right now?
67) What do you look for in a girl/guy?
Reliability, kindness, tenderness (yeah, I know that one's a little cheesy... but I haven't had a guy with that quality in a while, and I'd really like it!!)
68) Who's ugly?
69) Are you worried about something?
70) Do you think anyone will read this about you?
71) What are you fascinated about right now?:
The ability of people you have treated so well to treat you like shit. That fascinates me.