Apr 23, 2006 18:07
1. Name: Kate
2. Single or Taken: single
3. Sex: female
4. Siblings: one brother
5. Eye color: brown
6. Shoe size: 9 - 10, depending on the shoe
7. Height: 5'5"
8. Innie or Outie: innie
9. What are you wearing right now?: jeans, shoes, t-shirt, hoodie, etc...
10.Where do you live: lincoln, ne
12. Can you make a dollar in change right now: yep
13. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
14. Did you send this to your crush?: this is going in my lj, so... no.
15. Best place to go for a date?: his place
1. Kind of pants: jeans
2. Number: 19
3. Boys Name: jordan
4. Girls Name: jane
5. Animal: cats
6. Drink: beer
7. Month: july
8. Juice: juicy juice
9. Breakfast: bagels and cream cheese
10. cartoon character(s): popeye
What is...
1. Your good luck charm?: i don't think i have one
2. Best song you ever heard: hahaha i think lots of songs are the best song i've ever heard!
3. What's your room like: a mess
4. What is beside you?: more computers, michael
5. The last thing you ate: a hamburger
Ever Had...
1. Chicken pox: yes
2. Sore Throat: yes.
3. Stitches: no
4. Broken nose: no.
Do You...
1. Believe in love at first sight: yes
2. Like picnics: eew, no. i hate eating outside
3. Like school: sometimes
1. What schools have you gone to: seward elementry, seward middle school, st. joseph's catholic school, pius x high school, university of nebraska - lincoln
2.Who was the last person you called: Mike
3. Who was the last person you slow danced with: i have no idea
1. Did you last yell at: i have no idea
2. Broke your heart: hahaha... mike
3. Told you they loved you: my dad
4. Who's your loudest friend?: sean
1. Do you like filling these out: obviously
2. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: no
3. Do you like yourself: yep, pretty much
4. Do you get along with your family: most of the time
1. What are you listening to right now?: the random sounds of the student union
2. What did you do yesterday?: drank beer, smoked pot, went to the bars, etc...
4. What car do you wish to have?: anything that is cool
5. Where do you want to get married: not right now
6. Good driver?: i'd like to think so, and people tell me i am
7. Good singer?: hahaha, i really don't know... i have passed aural skills!
8. Have a lava lamp?: yep
9. How many remote controls are in your house: waaay too many
10. What do you dream about?: yelling at people, mostly... really!
11. When you last showered: about 12:45 p.m.
12. Scary or Funny Movies: funny
13. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilly
14. Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: dr pepper, most of the time
15. Skiing or Boarding: i don't know
16. Summer or winter?: summer
17. Silver or Gold?: silver
18. Sprite or 7up: sprite
19. Coffee or tea: coffee
20. Phone or in person: person
21. Are you oldest, middle, or youngest: youngest
22. Indoor or outdoor: indoor, unless it's really nice outside
23. Diamond or pearl: pearl
Today did you:
1. Talk to someone you like: yep
2. Bought something: yep
3. Get sick: hangover!
4. Sang: yep
5. Talked to an ex: i'm with one right now!
6. Miss someone: nope
Last person who....
1. Was in your bed: haha, me
2. Saw you cry: mike
3. Made you cry: mike
4. Went to the movies with: mike
5. You went to the mall with: linda
6. Said "I Love You" and meant it: my dad
7. You Hugged: i dunno kaara?: i don't know!
Have you..
1. Ever been in a fight with your pet: hahaha no!
2. Been to California: yep
3. Been to Mexico: yep
4. Been to Canada: haha, no.
5. Been to Europe: twice
1. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
2. What book are you reading now?: haha, i'm not!
3. Best feeling in the world: hmmm, probably orgasm.
4. Future KIDS names: i don't know!
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: hahaha, no
6. Whats under your bed: nothing... i sleep on a matress on the floor because i'm classy like that.
7. Favorite sports to watch: college football
8. Piercing/Tattoos: 7 piercings, 5 tattoos
9. What are you scared of: birds, republicans, rejection
10. Who do you really hate?: i don't think i really "hate" anyone
11. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: hahaha, hasn't everyone?
12. Have you ever cried: NO. i don't cry... EVER.
13. Are you lonely right now: kinda
14. Song that's stuck in your head right now: haha, none, actually
15. Have you ever played strip poker: i think i have
16. Have you ever gotten beat up: no.
17. Have you ever been on radio/TV: yep
18. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: haha, no.
20. Last person you talked to on the phone?: my dad
21. Your Favorite Food?: pizza
23. Popcorn flavor?: ummm... butter?
24. Cats or Dogs: cats
25. Have you ever fired a gun?: no!
26. How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1
27. Who are you missing right now?: i don't know...
28. Who do you think is handsome/pretty?: haha, taylor hanson.
29. Do you think your ex misses you?: i hope so!