Apr 17, 2007 11:53
I know I kind of just disappeared off the face of the earth...even after I said I wouldn't back in October, however I hope you can all understand when I say that I really just needed to get my life back in order. I cancelled my internet for awhile so I wouldn't be tempted to spend all my free time on the computer and it helped for awhile.
Although my love life is non-existant, I'm okay with that lol It's been 10 months now since I left my ex and I've finally made it to where I'm happy with my life. I got a new job...well actually I've been through two new jobs now.
I was originally an assistant manger at E.B Games. A job which I LOVED because I'm such a fan of video games. I really loved my co-workers and we're still good friends and truthfully I would have been happy to stay where I was because it was such a fun job. I ended up applying for another job though, never assuming I'd get it, but I'm now the Playstation rep for the Kitchener/Cambridge area, working directly for Sony.
Other than my job, my best friend from back when I was in grade 10 contacted me and we've been going or coffee and dinner and remembering how dorky we were back then..and realizing that we're not much different now ^^;
Anyway for now that's my update. I have Zelda: Twilight Princess on pause and it's calling to me lol