Anime survey xD

Jul 25, 2007 18:21

Taken from momoiro_usagi! ♥

1. What was the series that got you into anime?
Bleach<333 and I had to start off watching episode 61...darn, the part where Seireitei found out about Aizen and co.'s betrayal...heh. Smart of me eh...

2. How old were you when you first got into anime?
15...gah pretty damn late... /:

3. How many years has it been since then?
Less than one^^; Eh about 1/2 a year only...

4. About how expensive was anime/manga then?
Same of course(: Maybe give or take a few cents^^

5. Did someone introduce you to anime, or did you discover it on your own?
My close friends did xD Forever grateful for them(: Haha I'm probably incapable of discovering it on my own ;___; I was definitely sleeping all this while...

6. Who is your favorite seiyuu?
Romi Paku(:

7. Who is your favorite voice actor/actress?
...none I guess.

8. Which series has the best dub?
Erm dubs aren't something I feel comfortable watching ^^;

9. How about the worst dub?
All dubs are ears /:

10. What are some of your favorite anime opening songs?
Bleach- D-techno Life by UVERworld, Rolling Star by Beat Crusaders and Alones by Aqua Timez
Naruto- Go by Flow, Hero's come back, and something else I fail to remember...ahhh

11. Ending songs?
Bleach- Tsumasaki by Ore Ska Band, Chatmonchy by Daidai, Movin by Takacha and Houki Boshi by Younha
Naruto- Viva Rock, Parade and Nagareboshi.

Forgot the other series songs T_T never paid much attention until recently..

12. How often do you get introduced to new bands because of anime OPs/EDs?
Still kinda yet! ;__;

13. Which series has the best animation?
Out of the very few I watched, I'd say Samurai Champloo and Naruto Shippuunden......

14. The worst?
Have yet to experience such^^; There were a few scenes during Bleach I thought the characters looked horrid. But only a few^^

15. What was the first series that really impressed you with its animation?
Rurouni Kenshin. Let's just say I loved the fight scenes xDD gah I know, I lack experience in all this ;__;

16. What one character do you think has a great overall design?
Aaroniero Arleri...he's dead but thought he looked unique! hnn Ichimaru too... ^____^ I would say Lee too. He's different but awesome as well(: Deidara-nice hands xD Or should I say mouth? But that's not all...<3 ahhh there are a lot... I guess it depends what is defined as GREAT. Hmmm... so many more...

17. What's one cliched character design you hate?
...not really any...just hate big boobs...

18. Which series had a plot twist which really took you by surprise or shocked you?
Bleach- even I knew Aizen had betrayed them before watching.. I was still quite surprised by the turn of events and the growth of powers...likewise for Naruto... and Naruto... I was spoiled by the no deaths occurring in Bleach and thought Naruto would be the same...hmm...stupid stupid me^^; lol I didn't expect certain deaths... Also, Bleach; Byakuya saving Rukia...awww~

19. Which series makes you cry?
Shaman King: a little when I thought Yoh died(silly me...)
Naruto: *embarrassed* quite a number of scenes actually xD;; Quite a lot...yes...
Bleach: GOSH! When Byakuya saved Rukia and got pierced by Gin's shinsou...

Does crying from laughing count? xDD There are many of those^^

I seriously need to watch more anime and read more manga...geez.

20. Which series makes you laugh most?
Again, no experience T_T but Bleach is pretty hilarious^^ Well I love it ALL((: Naruto's pretty funny too. Heh Samurai Champloo. Ahh all those I watch have many funny moments xD

21. Which series totally confused you?
Haven't encountered any...

22. Which series creeped you out?
Elfen Lied...Gantz? I don't know. Tried a few episodes and it's just not exactly my thing...

23. Which series has the best ending?
I think it's too soon for me to say^^; heh perhaps I haven't got anything to say...

24. The worst?
Samurai Champloo could have been extended...? It was great!!

25. Which completed series deserves a continuation?
Samurai Champloo...again lack of experience!!!

26. What types of characters do you usually like?
Serious, sarcastic, reserved...Easily pissed xD Unique ones too... It varies...I tend to like many different kinds of it depends^^

27. On average, do your favorite characters usually live or die?
Die...sadly. But like bad guys don't have to always die!!! Hn... It's weird actually. In Naruto most of my favorite characters are villains...but in Bleach there's a lot more good guys than bad ones that I favor... ><

28. Who is the best hero?
Kuchiki Byakuya^^ Saved dear Rukia-san...ok ok I know Ichigo did that but haha^^; Bya still did so in the end... so(: Hitsugaya is another... xD I'm biased? Eh maybe....

29. Who is the worst Mary Sue?
Hnnn.. No comment?

30. What is your favorite anime movie?
Shoot me. I haven't seen any... TT___TT

31. What are your favorites genres of anime?
Shounen, action(more of the samurai and the fighting/martial arts) kinds with some humor^^
But I'm pretty open to try all kinds at the moment... more of the suspense, thrilling, action kind...with funny moments...yeah.^^
Haven't watched much romance... I don't think i'd like it...but then again maybe? Read Vampire Knight and it was awesome(: Well read it a bit...the few first volumes only T_T

32. Is there a series you're embarrassed to like for any reason?
Not now xD

33. Which series is so overrated it makes you want to puke?
Hmm...pokemon? Ahhh don't kill offense...

34. What was the first hentai picture/video you saw?
I can't remember...just some shonen-ai I decided to try and see what it was about ^^;; Something Sexual Pornography? Erm erm...*coughcough* I feel embarrassed...

35. Is there any subcategory of hentai/yaoi/yuri that freaks you out?
Big boobs...

36. What's the weirdest, most bizarre hentai/yaoi/yuri you've ever seen?
Ah I saw only a few...but Enzai the Boku something something...the one with kids...sheesh...I feel so... hmmm

37. Be honest... about how much anime porn do you have saved on your computer, you dirty perv?
A few yaoi pictures is all..okay okay some...My damn comp's low on disc space...I'm pathetic...can't even buy another hard drive... heh too many icons and fanart saved(:

38. Who's the best-looking male character?
Don't get me started...oh man...too late xDD !!!!
Hitsugaya Toushirou, Kuchiki Byakuya, Abarai Renji, Zaraki Kenpachi (don't ask), Ichimaru Gin, Zaera Apollo Grantz --> Bleach
Deidara, Uchiha Itachi, Akasuna no Sasori, Hyuuga Neji, Uchiha Sasuke, Hidan --> Naruto
Yuu Kanda, Ravi--> D Gray man...(shoot me...I stopped at ep 30 and have yet to continue...argh need to do so now now now.)
Jin--> Samurai Champloo
Himura Kenshin, Sanosuke Sagara, Aoshi Shinomori--> Rurouni Kenshin
Amidamaru, Faust VIII, Tao Ren--> Shaman King

Okay I know I listed a whole lot T_T but there's lots lots more!! I could actually continue on and on...ahhhhhhhh ><
Thank god it's best-looking only..or I'd be going on and on and on...

39. Who's the best-looking female character?
Shihouin Yoruichi, Soi Fong, Matsumoto Rangiku, Hinamori Momo --> Bleach
Tsunade, Temari, Hyuuga Hinata --> Naruto
Anna --> Shaman King (damn, forgot her full name /: )
Misao Makimachi--> Rurouni Kenshin

I'm biased eh? For male characters my list goes a long long way. Female...well a few^^;

40. What characteristic can a character have that will automatically make you interested in them?
I don't depends...haha...such things are unpredictable!! I never thought I'd like some characters I now love!!

41. Who was your first anime crush, if you ever had one?
Juubantai Taichou Hitsugaya "It's-Hitsugaya-Taichou-to-you" Toushirou!!

42. Who was your most SEVERE anime crush?
Shirou-chan~!! <33 and Byakushi of course. Adding on Deidara and Itachi XD gonna have mooore...

43. Did you ever send in fan art to an anime magazine?
I can't. I can't draw...eeeepp!! I'm pathetic, let's face it. T_T

44. Was it horribly drawn?

45. Was it published?

46. Which fandoms do you associate yourself with?
Hmmm...associate I guess. I wish I had Lee's determination...really. Seeing them all working hard makes me disgusted with myself sometimes ^^; Is that what the question asked? oops.

47. Was your first anime convention your favorite?
Don't remind me how badly I want to go to one...hnn..

48. Have you ever been teased/made fun of because you like anime?
Not yet...Yet...haha some people would probably think, she's too old for cartoons...and some characters are younger than me... Can't blame them for doing so...they're missing out on so much xD

49. Have you ever seriously learned something from anime
Tiny bit of Japanese. But not really. Just a couple of words...and well I guess the series all have morals and stuff...well I find them really fascinating and me wishing I could be like them...E.g. Determined like Lee. The strong bonds...and courage and I sound do I explain...hmm..well overall, yes I guess I did a little bit. But I have yet to apply it in my life so...

50. What pisses you off about anime fans in general, if anything?
I'm pissed at myself for being so immature and not expecting the deaths of the villains. How idiotic can I get seriously...hnn. Even now that I know it's expected, from the previous examples *sobs* I still hope it doesn't happen >.> hmmm.


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