Looking for a story

May 04, 2012 00:12

Wow, it's been so long since I've been here. A lot has happened to me in the last months among those things was the fact I couldn't access to internet as easily as I can now. Anyway, I lost some of my archives and in between them I have a story that I absolutetly love but can't remember what it was called. I would really appreciated the help you can provide me to find it wherever it is.

What I remember about the story is the following:

Gin is Toshiro's father and he is married to Rangiku which make her Toshiro's stepmother. Toshiro felt attracked to her and one day finds her touching herself in her room. Rangiku ends up sleeping with Toshiro and Toshiro has some pics to blackmail Gin with in which Gin is shown with Kira.

It went like that, I would really appreciate all the help you could provide so thanks!
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