Yeah you can shoot me in the foot.

Aug 17, 2010 07:49

I did finish ONE commission buut, im lazy and my computer as you know is dieing.  BUT, I do have to say I have a new character. His name is Mishi~ I'm not too sure about posting him yet.  To be honest, he still kind of looks like an oc from GOD KNOW WHAT FANFIC THAT I LOVE SO DAMN MUCH. DX But uh...since I'm still working on him/it/her i guess it's okay...

I think I already posted this.....if I didn't the one on the left is a friends oc named Hitsuji.  The one on the right is Mishi. You can guess what gender it is. Heheh...

Also~ my friend has been drawing alot so I though I'd post those because they're lovely. -v-  But since my computer is SO DAMN JANK ill wait until it stop acting up....

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