Well so finally my friend Andy got me on board the magic world of blogging ...!!I couldn't have done this without him ...so first of all well three cheers for him....Hip Hip Hurray..Hip Hip Hurray....Hip Hip Hurray..Thanks Andy!!!
Shabs just asked me why the hell am i doing this....according to her people who dont have anything to do ..should follow me..so true...So get on guys(we are so free)!!!:
1)Well One of the prime reasons for joining this greatest invention on Earth(ok Universe...lol !!!) was that when I typed my name into google ....nothing came up against my name sob sob sob(I had to bless the search engine with my name)...!!!
2)Secondly so that u guys can know what all i am up to ...hopefully every few days about my activities or for that matter no activities...;).
3)Also not the least I wanted to keep a personal(public....!!) log of my deeds or misdeeds....!!I have been trying to write a personal diary and write about my day to day (or night to night) stuff ...but that was so girlish and so outdated ..isn't it !!
Well, why I chose Live Journal over MySpace Blog site...???
Read this link,maybe it helps..its so bizarre...to what extent these elitest of elite can go to control ur lives!!!!
http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/160306myspace.htmThanks Alex u are our hero...(More about him later...)!!
Got to go now ..Wait for my second entry for more...!!!
Hurray Hurray !!!