steamy, steamy, steam punk goodness

Oct 02, 2008 19:36

soooooo....i'm in the process of steaming my self to the max. i'm making the plot and creating the characters of a story i'm going to write. steampunk, airship pirates, gay sex? need i say more? sounds delightful doesn't it?

but in my researching and looking around for steamy goodness i've become slightly obsessed. i want some brass goggles real bad and i need to make myself a brown leather corset, get myself a tweed suit, and steam myself out :/

i have a specific look i'm kinda going for...i think i may draw it and post what i'm thinking

the look is basically a character thats going to be in the story...she's pretty minor..but kinda based on me :)

and if anyone who reads my blog ((is there anyone? O_o?)) knows any good steamy references i would love to know...because i'm thinking of trying to get this book published after i write it :)..and i would like it to be nice and steam canon...i mean sure it'll have some of my own ideas such as novels go...but i like to get ideas from a good author should :/

writing, steam punk

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